
臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 ScopusTHCI

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篇名 道元:禪在日本的轉化
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Dōgen: A Japanese Transformation of Ch'an Buddhism
作者 長友繁法
頁次 235-252
關鍵字 Mutual nterdependenceCasting off the body and the mindCasting off the mind dustFive desiresFive hindrancesActive-passive schemeNondiscriminatory awarenessSeeing without being a seerForeground-backgroundBottomless backgroundZero SpaceZero TimeBeing-timeLogic of interdependence因緣無分別意識因緣法無觀者之觀主客模式前景-後景無底之後景零空間零時間有時身心脫落心塵脫落五欲五毒
出刊日期 201106




This article is an attempt at articulating a Japanese transformation of Ch'an Buddhism by focusing on a thirteenth century Japanese Zen Master, Dōgen (1200-1254), in such a way that his religious-philosophical thought can be distinguished from the Chinese counter-parts. To do so, it will elucidate some of the salient differences by comparing Dōgen's magnus opus, Shōbōgenzō (正法眼藏) with the works of Chinese Ch'an masters. It will briefly examine the following four topics in order to accomplish the goals of the article: 1) Dōgen's stance on language, 2) his Zen Experience, 3) a philosophical analysis of the structure of appearing in light of his experience, and 4) his philosophical expression concerning
Zen spatial-temporal awareness.
