
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 高中生解讀地圖能力的分析~一個班級的個案研究
卷期 16
並列篇名 Analyzing Map Reading Skills of Senior High School Students-A Case Study
作者 吳婉嫕賴進貴
頁次 47-68
關鍵字 讀圖能力得分表高中學生Map Reading AbilityS-P ChartSenior High School Students
出刊日期 200606


本研究藉文獻回顧呈現並分析高中生在地圖的學習上應具備的能力及應達成的目標,並討論影響其學習成效之因素。再將91-95大學入學考試學科能力測驗中地理科利用地圖命題的題目彙整後施測,將學生測驗結果,利用學生-問題得分表(S-P chart)研究高中學生之地圖能力。高中生應具之地圖能力如下:座標定位能力方面,能利用經度,做不同時區的時間換算;空間方向知覺方面,能做方向的測量,且能辨識方位角與方向角;量測能力方面,能做比例尺的換算;符號化能力方面,認識各種地圖類型,並利用圖例解讀地圖,等高線判讀的能力應加深至能辨識火山、冰河、石灰岩、河谷、山稜線……等;操控能力方面,應較國中學生成熟。研究結果如下:學生對於大範圍主題地圖的掌握較佳,對於等高線地形圖的掌握較差,得知學生在地圖技能的判圖訓練不夠熟練。另外,等高線地形圖的考題變化多,可以結合多項主要概念命題,會使一些地圖技能不佳的學生感到困難,而地圖技能較佳的學生表現較好,具鑑別力。本研究使用學生-問題得分表分析學生解讀地圖的能力,得以呈現以往僅用信度、效度、難度、鑑別度分析所無法突顯的個別差異,診斷出了班級學生個別及整體之學習困難處。


In accordance with the characteristic of map interpretation written by Meyer (1973), and the curriculum standard rules of senior high school geography textbooks, the following criteria should be included as follows: Ability to know how to calculate time difference by longitude and measure directions, understand what is "whole circle bearing" and "reduced bearing" as spatial orientation ability, convert scales by using a map in measurement ability, recognize different types of maps and different symbols in the maps especially in different types of contour topographic maps. By using the "student-problem (S-P) chart" which is properly used in formative and diagnosis tests, we can see different individual response patterns of the students, as an indicator of the map reading ability of senior high school students. The results show that the senior high school students get better grades in the questions of spatial orientation type, and get worse grades in contour topographic map. Most of the students find it difficult to combine different concepts in the questions of contour topographic map type, while those with good map reading skill find it easy. A major conclusion from these studies is that an understanding of contour topographic map reading ability of students may be able to improve the map education and to make educational innovations more successful.
