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篇名 以免疫組織化學法則測定膀胱移行上皮癌組織胚胎抗原(CEA)在臨床病理的相關性
卷期 9:4
作者 陳黎明簡崇和江金培黃俊雄周以和王起杰
頁次 179-185
關鍵字 癌胚胎抗原膀胱癌預後carcinoembryonic antigenbladder tumorTSCI
出刊日期 199812


本研究以抗人CEA之免疫血清利用Peroxidase-anti-Peroxidase方法將61例膀胱移行性上皮細胞癌作CEA免疫組織化學染色以測定癌組織中CEA之含量。我們發現腫瘤期別愈高者及癌細胞分化愈差者CEA陽性比率愈高;其中表淺性膀胱癌(Superficial Bladder Cancer)之癌細胞CEA呈現陽性比率為30%;而深層浸潤性膀胱癌(deep invasive bladder cancer)其癌細胞CEA呈現陽性病率為54%(P<0.05);而碰細胞分化良好者CEA呈現陽性比率為17%,中等分化者為35%,而癌細胞分化者最差者為50%(P<0.05)。 30例表淺性膀胱癌患者中9例為CEA陽緎,21例CEA陰性,18例在手術後發生再發性腫瘤,其中CEA陽性佔5例(55%),CEA陰性佔13例(62%),此在統計學上不具顯著意義差異(P>0.05);然而5例CEA陽性患者中有2例(40%)及13例CEA陰性患者中有2例(16%)發生浸潤性再發腫瘤,顯示CEA陽性患者術後較易產生浸潤再發性腫瘤(P<0.05)。24例CEA陽性患者中有5例(20%)活超過5年,相反的,37例CEA陰性患者中有26例(70%)活超過5年,顯示癌細胞組織CEA呈現陽性反應者預後較差(P<0.05)。(J Urol R.O.C., 9:179-185,1998)


Immunoperoxidase method was used to study the tumor expression of carcinoembryonic an-tigens (CEA) in 61 patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. In our study, the presence of CEA I ncancer tissues orrelates well with the tumor stage. CEA was positive in 30% of superficial tumor tissue, and 48% of invasive cases (P<0.05). There is a significant correlation between CEA expression and differentiation of the tumor; in well-differentiated tumors, CEA was found in the tumor tissue in 17% of cases, however, 42% of poorly differentiated carcinomas were CEA-positive. (P<0.05). Among the 30 patients in this study (9 were CEA positive and 21 had CEA negative) with superficial tumors, 18 of them developed recurrent tumors after surgery, and among these 5(55%) were CEA postitive and 13 (62%) were CEA negative (P<0.05). Two (40%) of 5 CEA-postitive cases and 2 (16%) pf 16 CEA-negative cases subsequently developed invasive tumors, indicating that patients with CEA positive were more liable to develop invasive tumors (P<0.05). A signify-cant correlation (P<0.05) was also observed between the presence of CEA and the prognosis. In this study, 5(20%) of the 24 patients with CEA-positive tumors lived for more than 5 yr; in contrast,26 (70%) of the 37 CEA-negative patients live for more than 5 yr.
