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篇名 Changes in Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen after Orchiectomy and Complete Androgen Blockade in Patients with Stage D Prostatic Carcinoma
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 血清中攝護腺特異抗原在第D期攝護腺癌病人接受睪丸切除術或雄性激素完全阻斷治療後的變化
作者 傅延宗王曉暹李祥生孫光煥程千里馮超傑楊泰和馬正平張聖原于大雄
頁次 30-33
關鍵字 攝護腺特異抗原攝護腺癌睪丸切除術完全雄性激素阻斷術prostatic specific antigenorchiectomycomplete androgen blockadeTSCI
出刊日期 199603




Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a unique serum marker highly sensitive to any form of therapy for prostatic cancer. Based on the character of hormonal dependence of the cancer cell, and rogen ablation is one of the best therapies for advanced prostatic cancer. From April 1990 to April 1995, 74 patients with the diagnosis of stage D prostatic cancer had received bilateral orchiectomy. Twenty-four of them had completed regular follow-up at our out-patient clinic. Serum PSA level was checked every two to three months and analyzed. Twelve patients who had no adjuvant anti-androgen therapy were categorized as group I. Another twelve patients who received post-operative anti-androgen medication were categorized as group II. In the group I patients, the serum PSA level reduced to the minimum 7.3±5.2 months after orchiectomy but relapsed 10.6±10.6 months later. In the group II patients, the post-operative PSA level reduced to the minimum in 9.9±6.6 months and raised 7.8±5.7 months later. There were no statistic differences between both groups (p>0.05, Student’s t test). Our preliminary results, warranted no conclusion on the role of adjuvant complete androgen blockade therapy for stageD prostatic adenocarcinoma.
