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篇名 Bloody Ejaculation as an Initial Presenting Symptom of Prostate Cancer; Its Clinical Implication: Report of There Cases
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 攝護腺癌以射精含血為初期臨床表現-三病例報告及其臨床含意
作者 陳偉權李瀛輝簡邦平吳東霖余家政黃榮慶
頁次 167-170
關鍵字 射精含血攝護腺癌hemospermiaprostate cancerTSCI
出刊日期 199509




Hemospermia is a not uncommon complaint of men after middle-age. In the past decade hemospermia has been thought to be a benign, self-limiting condition which did not require full urologic investigation. However, more recent sporadic reports have disclosed the possibility of hemospermia associated with prostate cancer. Three patients who presented with the initial symptom of bloody ejaculation were then diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is therefore believed that further investigation of prostate gland, including digital rectal palpation, prostate specific antigen determination and transrectal ultrasound of prostate should be performed as initial investigations for patients who have complaints of hemospermia, especially in aged men.
