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篇名 Can We Predict Recurrent Urinary Retention in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients?
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 我們能預測前列腺肥大病人尿瀦留之再發生嗎?
作者 李昇平謝德生郭漢崇楊緒棣蔡崇璋丘袓毅陳淳陳世乾余宏政
頁次 694-699
關鍵字 acute urinary retentionindwelling catheterizationsimple catheterizationbenign prostatic hyperplasiaTSCI
出刊日期 199203




One hundred and thirty-two male patients with acute urinary retention caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia were treated. Indwelling catheterization was performed in 102 patients, and in 43 of them the catheters were removed 1-12 days later. Thiryt patients received simple catheterization. Recurrent retention within one month occurred in 17 patients (39.5%) of the simple catheterization group(P>0.1). The timing of indwelling catheter removal was unimportant since recurrent retention rate was 41.7%, 36.4% and 44.4% in subgroups of <3 days, 3-7 days, >7 days respectively. Re-establishment of micturtion was not associated with the duration and severity of “prostatism” symptoms, age previous retention history, or the presence of urinary tract infection. Predictions for recurrent urinary retention of one-parameter analysis were a volume of retention of 700 ml or more, maximal flow rate of less than 5ml/sec, and voided volume of less than 90ml after removal of the catheters. Surgical intervention is highly recommanded in these patients.
