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篇名 Microvascular Reconstruction of Branch Renal Artery Stenosis and Autotransplantation for the Treatment of Renovascular Hypertension - A Case Report
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 腎血管分枝狹窄的顯微手術與自體腎肱移植用以治療腎血管性高血壓-病例報告
作者 謝輝和江原正
頁次 718-721
關鍵字 fibromuscular dysplasiarenovascular hypertensionautotransplantationbench surgeryTSCI
出刊日期 199203




Severe branch renal artery stenosis with prominent collateral circulation was diagnosed in a 29 year-old female patient presented with hypertension. Hypertension was controlled by two medications, but the patient could not tolerate taking medications daily. By using a hypogastric artery branched autogenous graft for the diseased portion of renal artery and its branches, bench surgery with a microscope for the branches followed by antotransplantation of kidney was performed. Fidromuscular dysplasia as the cause of hypertension was cured 18 months postoperation.
