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篇名 Evaluation of Intravesical Alum Irrigation for Intractable Bladder Hemorrhage
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 對於頑固性膀胱出血,使用明礬膀胱內沖洗之評估
作者 張進寶陳明村陳光國林登龍李瀛輝李良明張延驊張心湜
頁次 620-625
關鍵字 alumurinary bladder irrigationurinary bladder hemorrhageTSCI
出刊日期 199112


對於六位持續且嚴重膀胱出血的病人,使用明礬膀胱內沖洗後之成效分析;引起膀胱出血之原因包括四位放射性膀胱炎及二位膀胱癌的病患,經過49至92小時的沖洗,有三位病人可成功的控制出血,二位病人僅可暫時止血,另外一位病患無法達到止血效果。經由x光繞射分析顯示,產生止血的主要成份為氫氧化鋁(Aluminum Hydroxide)。在全部六位病患中皆沒有產生任何副作用。結論,對於頑固性膀胱出血,使用明礬膀胱內沖洗扮演著輔助治療的重要角色;尤其是對於病情較嚴重者。然而,止血經常都是短暫的;因此,對於原發疾病的治療是必須的。


The efficacy of intravesical alum irrigation was analyzed after applying to 6 patients with continuous ans severe bladder hemorrhage. Causes of bleeding were radiation cystitis in 4 patients and bladder cancer in 2. The severe hemorrhage stopped in 3 patients, two patients had only transient hemostasis and one case had no response after 49 to 92 hours irrigation. The major component for controlling of bladder hemorrhage is Aluminum hydroxide which was identified using X-ray diffraction. No significant side effects were observed in all 6 patients. In conclusion, alum irrigation is an important adjunct for treatment of intractable bladder hemorrhage, particularly in the seriously ill patietn. However, the hemostasis is frequently transient. So, additional treatment procedure should be considered for primary disease.
