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篇名 A Rapid Screening Test of Bacteria and Cells in Urine with the Catalase Activity
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 利用細胞分解脢活性偵測尿中細菌及細胞之快速方法
作者 蒲永孝闕士傑蔡崇璋
頁次 626-632
關鍵字 urinary tract infectioncatalaseurine cultruemicroscopicurinalysisTSCI
出刊日期 199112


現在此報告一種以偵測尿中細菌及血球增加,而來推測是否有尿路感染之快速檢驗法。其方法是藉著細胞內有分解脢(Catalase),能在2分鐘內將雙氧水分解,產生氧氣泡沫於尿液表面。吾人以此法檢測了124個尿檢體,同時比較其與尿液菌落培養及顯微鏡尿液常規檢查之關係。如果吾人將尿液菌落培養數大於100,000 CFU/ml 視為尿路感染之定義,則分解脢測試法之靈敏性(sensitivity),特殊性(specificity),錯誤正判率(false positive rate),錯誤負判率(false negative rate),分別為85.7%, 65.2%,50.8%, and 7.9%。若同時考慮以尿液菌落培養陽性或顯微鏡尿液常規檢查陽性為尿路感染之定義,則其統計值分別為84.1%,94.5%,4.9%,及17.5%。當分解脢測試法為陽性時,不但表示有過量之細菌存於尿中,也可能有過量之紅白血球存於尿中,如果吾人將血尿排除或牢記一些缺點,則分解脢測試法將是一種簡單且快速偵測尿路感染之方法。


A rapid screening test for urinary tract infection by detecting minute increase of leukocyte, erythrocyte, or bacteria in urine specimens examnined is reported. By determining the cellular catalase activeity on the dissociation of H2O and formation of gaseous O2 which makes urine specimens foamy in only two minutes, we had examined 124 urine specimens, and compared the results with those of urine quantitative cultures and microscopic urinalyses. If we define UTI as positive urine quantitative cultrue (>105 CFU/ml), the sensitivity, specificity, false positive rate and false negative rate of the catalase test were 85.7%, 65.2%,50.8%, and 7.9% respectively; whereas, those for specimens containing one or in combination of the significant bacteriuria (colony count>105 CFU/ml), pyuria (>5 WBC’s/HPF), and hematuria (>5 RBC’s / HPF) were 84.1%,94.5%,4.9%,17.5% respectively. It is not only representing the presence of significant bacteriuria, but also hematuria or pyuria when a positive catalase reation is reported. The catalase screening test is easy to perform to detect the urothelial inflammation and is useful in large scale mass screening project for a symptomless population.
