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篇名 Histological Findings of Corpora Cavernosa in Impotent Patients
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 陽萎病人陰莖組織學上的變化
作者 劉力璋黃俊雄黃湧灃江金培周以和劉樂輝劉克明
頁次 457-464
關鍵字 impotencecorpus cavernosumpenile biopsyTSCI
出刊日期 199106




From 1988 to 1990, thirty-six patients were received penile biopsies during the surgical treatments for impotence. Meanwhile, 31 samples were taken from 9 potent patients and 22 cadavers for comparison. Various degree of fibrotic changes of corpora cavernosa were found in impotent penile tissues.i.e. There were degeneration of smooth muscle bundles, increased deposition of collagen fibers and distorted architecture of trabeculae. Moreover, the endothelial lining of sinusoid might be destroyed later. No statistically significant difference in the degree of fibrotic changes was found between the impotent and the 21 controlled adult patients. Different etiologies of impotence al-socould not be determined by these nonspecific histological changes. We recommended that if the histopathologic findings of pre-operative biopsy of corpora cavernosa demon-strated moderate to severe fibrotic change, it would not be necessary to arrange penile revascularization or venous ligation. However, the role of the intracorporeal biopsy in determining the therapeutic option still need further study for verification. (J Urol R.O.C., 2:457-464, 1991)
