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篇名 國民小學室內環境品質與教學品質之研究:以雲林縣為例
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationship between Indoor Environmental Quality and Teaching Quality for the Elementary School in Yunlin County
作者 趙家民吳叁賜
頁次 109-130
關鍵字 室內環境品質國民小學教學品質indoor environmental qualityelementary schoolteaching quality
出刊日期 201111


現在九年一貫各領域的課程安排,大部分的課程都在教室內進行教學活動,因此,教室環境的舒適與否,對學生的學習效果、教師的教學品質都有很大的影響。本研究旨在探討雲林縣國小室內環境品質與教學品質之現況、差異、相關與預測情形。本研究採用問卷調查法,以分層隨機抽樣方式抽取雲林縣公立國民小學500 名教師為對象,回收有效問卷422 份,有效問卷回收率為84.4%。研究工具為研究者自編之「室內環境品質問卷」與「教學品質問卷」進行調查研究,所得之資料使用描述統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行分析。本研究所得結論如下:一、雲林縣室內環境品質與教師教學品質之現況屬於中上程度。二、不同學校所在地區的室內環境品質與教學品質有顯著差異。三、室內環境品質與教學品質有顯著的高度正相關存在。四、室內環境品質各構面與教學品質之間具有正相關關係存在。五、室內環境品質能有效預測教學品質。根據本研究的發現與結論提出具體的建議,作為實務應用之參考,並提出對後續研究的建議。


Because of the arrangement of Grade 1-9 Curriculum, it leads to the fact that most of curriculum are instructed in the classroom. Thus, whether the classroom environment is comfortable or not, it affects students' leaning effects and teachers' teaching quality. The purpose of this study was to explore the current status, differences and correlation of indoor environment quality and teaching quality. Questionnaire survey, on Indoor Environment Quality and Teaching Quality was developed as the research instrument. After stratified sampling, 500 teachers from elementary schools in Yunlin are selected to participate in questionnaire survey. 422 samples were effective and the effective rate of recovery was 84.4%. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. Conclusions were as follows: (1) The current condition of indoor environment quality and teachers' teaching quality is above average. (2) Indoor environment quality of the different school locations and teacher's teaching quality has revealed the difference. (3) There is a high positive correlation between indoor environment quality and teaching quality for the elementary schools. (4) There are positive correlations between four aspects of indoor environment quality and teaching quality for the elementary schools. (5) Indoor environment quality is a proper indicator in predicting teaching quality for elementary schools. Based on the results of the study, the researcher provides concrete suggestions for practice applications and future researches.
