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篇名 運用雲端桌面服務技術建構教育雲
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 Apply Cloud Desktop Service Technology to Construct Education Cloud
作者 林峰正盧怡蒨鍾浩翔
頁次 131-158
關鍵字 個人電腦即服務教育雲雲端桌面服務PC as a Serviceeducation cloudCloud Desktop Service
出刊日期 201111


運用雲端桌面服務技術來代管老師與學生端電腦上的軟體與資料,可提升教學的方便性,彈性延展計算效能與儲存空間容量,而雲端的資料中心具有可無限延展的軟體、硬體與儲存設備之特色,因此可將對學習效果有顯著幫助之資訊在雲端資料中心儲存與處理,透過「雲端桌面服務」的方式傳送給老師與學生。透過雲端運算技術與平臺,學校可用軟體租用的方式,為學校老師與學生訂購所需之電腦軟體,再加上這些軟體無須安裝於本地端電腦上,利用瀏覽器便可操作與使用,可使學校對於上課用電腦統一管理、提升管理效率,並降低失竊率與故障率。未來學生在家中只需利用家裡的網路設備,即可打開自己的雲端書包做功課,老師們則能將教材上傳至共通的教育雲平臺,達到教材共享。本論文分析不同個人電腦即服務(PC as a Service, PCaaS)應用架構,並架構於開放源軟體(Ulteo)之上,提出三種不同應用程式服務(網頁應用程式服務、主機託管應用程式服務、虛擬桌面服務)的整合架構,其中網頁應用程式服務與主機託管應用程式服務實現了老師端與學生端可能使用到的應用程式。雲端桌面的使用者也可以透過虛擬桌面服務存取資料中心的虛擬機器資源。


Applying cloud desktop service technologies to run hosted applications and store heterogeneous data of teachers and students can improve the convenience of teaching, flexibility of scalable computing power, and capacity of storage. Elastic software, hardware, and storage are three important features in the cloud data center. By leveraging these features, we can deliver teaching materials to teachers and students using the “Cloud Desktop Service” and help students learn more effectively.Through cloud computing technology and platforms, IT managers can subscribe necessary software that can be accessed in browsers for teachers and students in school, and they will have unified management of IT assets to reduce the theft rate and failure rate. In the future, students only need their connection device and open cloud desktop service to do homework, and teachers can upload their materials to education cloud to enable textbooks sharing.This paper analyzes different PC as a Service (PCaaS) architectures and provides the architecture based on Ulteo, an open source project. Based on proposed solution, this paper integrated three various applications services: web applications, hosted applications, and virtual desktop service. Among these different services, we implement possible scenario of web applications in teacher’s and student’s sides and provide them hosted applications service in their cloud desktop. The user of cloud desktop can also access their virtual machine in data center by virtual desktop service.
