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篇名 長庚技術學院女性原住民與非原住民健康體適能差異之探討
卷期 9
並列篇名 The Study of Fitness between Female Aborigines and Non-aborigines in Chang Gung Institute of Technology
作者 黃雅陵張蕙麟劉瑩芳
頁次 203-211
關鍵字 原住民非原住民體適能檢測AboriginesNon-aboriginesFitness tests
出刊日期 201201


近年來,社會經濟的富裕,生活型態的改變,連帶的產生諸多的現代文明病;各大專院校已實施體適能測驗多年,採用教育部頒定「提升學生體適能(333)計劃」所制定的測驗項目與方法實施新生體適能檢測。因此希望藉此研究瞭解日間部五專護理科新生女生各項體適能狀況、原住民女生與非原住民女生體適能之差異性,作為爾後身體活動及促進健康體適能,教學內容課程擬定之參考。本研究以Office Microsoft Excel軟體處理,將所得資料結果計算出平均值與標準差。以t檢定及獨立樣本變異數分析考驗各組間之差異性;其中原住民30人,非原住民158人(原住民學生及非原住民學生各25%)。本研究之顯著水準為α = .05。本研究結果發現不論五專一年級女生或原住民及非原住民,在各項體適能皆落於臺灣地區大專學生體適能評量表正常範圍;原住民及非原住民之各項體適能,原住民的平均身高比非原住民低,但平均體重比非原住民重,故身體質量指數比非原住民高、但未達顯著差異;坐姿體前彎與屈膝仰臥起坐,二項兩者平均數差異不大,且無顯著差異;原住民立定跳遠之平均數為161.73公分顯著高於非原住民之147.85公分、兩者相差13.88公分;八百公尺跑走部分,原住民平均數為276.70秒,顯著快於非原住民之295.44秒、兩者相差18.74秒。結果指出本研究數據與相關研究所提之身高較矮體重又重的人、肌肉爆發力及耐力表現較差有所差異,故此部分建議可進一步之探討與研究。


The change of the lift style during several years is a reason result in the declining of students healthy. Under the competition of going to better university and study hard from high school in Taiwan, cause most of students have less and less healthy and physical strength. Beside that,
gameboy and in-door activity would be the factors. In order to push the students’ fitness, the Department for Education (DFE) in Taiwan has come into force “Testing of Fitness in colleges and universities” and public “Physical fitness national mold of colleges and universities”. The fitness test will include BMI, flexibility, muscle strength (power long jump), musclar endurance (one minute bend knee sit-ups) and 800 meter running-walking. All participants of this research are aborigines (N=30) and non-aborigines (N=158) female freshmen who study in Nursing Department
in College. All the data were using independent t test of Office Microsoft Excel software to calculate, and showed as mean and standard deviation. This study found that both Aboriginal and non-indigenous people in all physical fitness tests were lower then Taiwan college student fitness rating scale normal range. Some stydies indicate that the lower height and weight of heavy people,poor performance of muscle strength and endurance are different, and this is something different
with ours, so the recommendations could be discuss and study further.
