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篇名 台灣高鐵環境下專屬於WiMAX之ROF系統開發與實測
卷期 146
並列篇名 Development and Field Trial of WiMAX Dedicated Radio over Fiber System over THSR scenario
作者 唐文祥徐彬海蔡宗成
頁次 134-141
關鍵字 光載無線電台灣高速鐵路全球互通微波存取Radio-over-FiberRoFTaiwan High Speed RailTHSRWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave AccessWiMAX
出刊日期 201208


為了各國交通便利性的高度需求下,高速鐵路的興起已是十分重要的關鍵。但在高速移動的情況下,將造成高速列車與地面傳輸的連線品質惡化,使得在高速列車內的乘客無法使用無線寬頻上網,尤其在隧道內環境的通訊更是無法連線。本論文說明開發一個專屬於WiMAX的光載無線電系統的經驗,我們結合mobile WiMAX與光載無線電分散式天線系統,讓使用者除了在高鐵開闊環境下可以有效連線外,在隧道內仍然有非常好的連線品質。因此本論文先將介紹我們所開發之光載無線電並將其功能驗證,並在靜態環境下驗證我們所開發的光載無線電在WiMAX系統下之效能後,我們再佈建光載無線電分散式系統於高鐵沿線並進行場測,而實測內容包含訊號強度、CINR(Carrier and Interference Noise Ratio, CINR)與TCP傳輸量,並針對量測結果進行分析。


For the necessity of traffic convenience in every country, it becomes be a very important issue for deploying high speed railway. However, high-speed train results in degradation of the connection quality between mobile-station and base-station, i.e. grand-to-train, and it is foreseen that the passenger on the train cannot achieve Internet connections by using wireless broadband networks, especially in tunnels. This paper describes the experiences of developing a WiMAX dedicated Radio over Fiber system, and the mobile WiMAX system is combined with RoF DAS (Radio-over-Fiber Distribution Antenna System) to achieve efficient Internet connections in grand-to-train scenario. Therefore, the passenger on the train may maintain Internet connections efficiently under the non-shielding environment, and the high quality of Internet connections is also achieved in tunnels. In this paper, the developed RoF is introduced first, and its function is also verified. Secondly, the performance of the developed RoF in WiMAX system over static channel is demonstrated. Finally, cell plan for RoF DAS along a high speed railway is presented. According to the cell plan, we perform the field trial for RSSI, CINR and TCP throughput measurement, and the measurement results are analyzed.
