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篇名 應用腳踏復健器之運動方案改善心臟衰竭個案之活動無耐力
卷期 59:5
並列篇名 Pedlar Inexpensive Ergometer-Based Exercise Program Improves Activity Intolerance in a Heart Failure Case
作者 蔡璧光劉芹芳許心恬
頁次 103-110
關鍵字 心臟衰竭活動無耐力運動方案腳踏復健器heart failureactivity intoleranceexercise programpedlar inexpensive ergometerMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201210




This paper reports on the efficacy of a pedlar inexpensive ergometer-based structured exercise program in improving activity intolerance in a heart failure case. Data were collected between May 15, 2010 and May 20, 2010 using physical assessments, observations, and interviews. Several home visits were conducted after hospital discharge until August 8. Health problems identified included diseaserelated weakness, inability to complete daily activities, activity intolerance, malnutrition, and ineffective tissue perfusion. In addition to providing nutrition and dietary guidance, we designed an exercise rehabilitation program to improve activity intolerance both during hospitalization and after hospital discharge. Outcome measurements included the six-minute walk test, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and self-perceived improvement. Improvements achieved by the 12th week of the exercise training program included: (1) Able to complete the six-minute walk test (initially unable). (2) Walking distance increased by 54 meters. (3) Target heart rate achieved 40-60% of the maximum heart rate. (4) Resting systolic blood pressure and heart rates decreased tremendously, and (5) Fatigue and shortness of breath improved greatly. Results indicate the pedlar inexpensive ergometer exercise program may help improve the health of heart failure cases suffering from activity intolerance.
