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篇名 動態及靜態鋰離子電池殘餘容量主動估算技術
卷期 148
並列篇名 Active Online Detection Technique for Dynamic and Static State of Charge Analysis for Li-ion Battery
作者 羅一峰莊凱翔劉益華張用璽游爵豪
頁次 074-081
關鍵字 殘餘容量恒電位量測阻抗分析奈氏圖Sate of ChargeSOCPotentiostatic MeasurementsImpedance SpectraNyquist Plot
出刊日期 201212




An AC impedance-based technique for active online measurements of Li-ion battery systems is developed in this paper. An AC impedance technique is proposed to estimate state of charge (SOC) for Li -ion battery. The technique includes a set of static and dynamic measurements that are required for state of charge estimation. In this paper, potentiostatic measurements of Li-ion batteries, AC signal amplitude of 10mV is used. The impedance spectra are measured by sweeping frequencies between 1Hz and 10 kHz with 6 points/decade. The measurement results are presented in a Nyquist plot, a plot of real impedance against imaginary impedance. The test results shows that Nyquist plot of dynamic and static measurement of a battery cell are different, due to the internal electrochemical response. This is caused by the AC impedance that are different at frequencies. In discharge process, when SOC of cell is dropped, its AC impedance is also changed. Therefore, through active online detection, the proposed AC impedance technique can be utilized to measure the SOC of Li-ion battery.

