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篇名 臺灣安寧病房喪慟關懷服務之調查研究
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 An Investigation of Bereavement Care for Hospice Ward in Taiwan
作者 蔡佩真
頁次 057-090
關鍵字 喪慟關懷悲傷安寧療護bereavement carebereavementpalliative care
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.3966/207466012013060501003




The purpose of hospice is to help patients have good death and good grief. Good death means patients get the best symptom control and care of the body and spirit. Bereavement care is to help families work through the pain of loss and separation. the World Health Organization and the Taiwan's health care policies are subject to bereavement care is a continuation of care. This study would like to know how the palliative care ward provide the service of the families of the terminally ill in Taiwan. What are the services they provide? The purpose of this study is to understand the hospice ward bereavement care service delivery through the mail survey method. The results of this study a total of 32 palliative care wards reply to the questionnaire. The majority of bereavement care by the medical team to participate in, and responsible for most of the personnel in charge of the overall planning and coordination of grief care services by social workers, followed up by volunteers. Half of hospital use ofnursing workforce initial evaluation. Tracking point in time passed away more than a week after the funeral; most hospitals by observing and tracking to understand the bereavement reaction, 59.4% of hospitals using standard operating Reference Guide sad assessment developed by the Department of Health; 90% of the hospital provide the bereaved telephone care, mailing letters of condolence or sympathy card, followed by individual meetings, assist in the production of commemorative items, referral psychiatrist. Family members to accept the highest service mailing condolence letters and telephone conversations, the lowest acceptance referral psychiatrist, referrals to counseling or clinical psychologist, bereavement bereaved families self-help groups. During the execution of the respective hospitals inevitably challenged, we make recommendations based on the findings as a clinical reference.
