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篇名 願景領導理論與其實施策略之探討
卷期 88
並列篇名 An Analysis on the Theory and Strategies of Visionary Leadership
作者 黃俊峰
頁次 230-251
關鍵字 領導理論共同願景學習型學校願景領導theory of leadershipshared visionlearning schoolvisionary leadership
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.3966/160683002013110088011




A great leader is a man with a vision. A successful school principal must make good use of visionary leadership to enhance school teamwork and teaching quality, and to associate the school with the resources. As a result, the students may learn effectively and develop well as full-grown human beings. The current study utilizes an analysis on the visionary leadership by clarifying what visionary leadership is. Following, a discussion about what vision is and how to develop the shared vision will be presented. Last, the paper presents roles as a school principle when practicing visionary leadership. The paper has three major emphases. First, the current study analyzes the theory and the practice of visionary leadership for the organization. Second, this current research proposes the way to achieve visionary leadership. Third, the present research enhances the roles that the principal has to play and the things that the principal has to do in order to discover talents of the students.
