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篇名 深層海水對水耕茼蒿植株生長之影響
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 Effects of Deep Sea Water on the Growth of Hydroponically Cultivated Chrysanthemum coronarium
作者 段文宏張繼中李佩娟陳芝融
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 水耕生長茼蒿深層海水hydroponicallygrowthChrysanthemum coronariumdeep sea water
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.3966/222369612013110302001


茼蒿為菊亞科1 年生草本植物,原產於地中海和東亞地區,適合生長於氣候微寒的地區。在臺灣,茼蒿盛產於冬季,民眾常於火鍋中添加茼蒿一起食用。近年來,亞洲地區已利用深層海水(deep sea water, DSW)於農業和藻類養殖上,如日本應用深層海水生產高品質的蔬果與作物,韓國則利用深層海水培育螺旋藻,並發現其可加強藻類提升免疫力的功效。在本研究中,以培養液中添加深層海水方式來進行茼蒿水耕栽種,觀察深層海水對茼蒿植株生長的影響,結果顯示,深層海水具有增加茼蒿的根長、葉片數目和葉片長度之趨勢,深層海水除可提升茼蒿植株的經濟價值,另具有發展成水耕肥料添加液之潛力。


Chrysanthemum coronarium (Asteraceae) is the annual plant and originated from Mediterranean Sea and East Asia area. C. coronarium is planted well at cool climate area and used to be added in the hot pot for edible by the common people in Taiwan. In recent year, deep sea water is used in the agriculture and the algae culture in Asia. For example, the quality of crop is raised and the immunity effect of Spirulina platensis is enhanced by the application of deep sea water in Japan and Korea, respectively. In this study, these experiments of deep sea water added in hydroponical solution to culture C. coronarium and observe the growth condition were performed. The result showed the root length, leaf number and leaf length were increased and economic value was raised by the application of deep sea water.
