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篇名 大學生營隊服務行前訓練課程規劃與服務學習滿意度之相關性:以淡江大學為例
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 A Study of Relationship between Curriculum Planning of Pre-service Training and Service-Learning Satisfaction of Tamkang University Volunteer Service Team
作者 李虹旻黃雅萍
頁次 155-171
關鍵字 服務學習服務學習滿意度訓練service-learningservice-learning satisfactiontraining
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.3966/222369612013110302010


近年來,服務學習的教育理念在國內備受重視,教育部於2007年開始推動大專校院服務學習,期許培養學生公民意識與責任感,並提升品德教育與服務精神。若期望更多學生加入營隊服務學習的行列,瞭解學生對於服務學習的滿意程度是重要的,而訓練品質會影響滿意程度,良好的事前訓練,必定會為服務活動帶來更深遠的收穫。不過,服務學習鮮少針對行前訓練課程規劃與服務學習滿意度兩者之主題做系統性的研究,因此,本研究目的在於探討大學生營隊服務行前訓練課程規劃與服務學習滿意度之相關性,以作為未來推廣及改善服務學習方案之依據。研究方法為問卷調查法,以淡江大學101學年度第一學期參與營隊服務之學生為研究對象,運用自編問卷「營隊服務行前訓練課程規劃與服務學習滿意度之調查問卷」進行調查。 研究結果發現,行前訓練課程規劃的內涵會影響服務學習的滿意度,建議再強化服務隊行前訓練課程品質,以提升學生服務學習整體滿意度。


Service-Learning is more and more important in higher education which can help students develop civic consciousness and sense of responsibility, and pre-service training design is very critical to the Service-Learning quality of volunteer teams. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the pre-service training design and the learning satisfaction of Tamkang University current volunteer teams. 248 effective questionnaires are obtained from this population. ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and regression statistical method were adopted in this study. The present result shows that pre-service training design and the Service- Learning satisfaction are significant positive correlative. And the course design of pre-service training is most predictive to the learning satisfaction of interpersonal interactions and social concern.
