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篇名 提升兒科加護病房病童手圈佩戴正確率之改善
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 Improving the Accuracy of PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) Children’s Handring-Wearing
作者 范圭玲梁牡丹
頁次 285-297
關鍵字 兒科加護病房創意手圈佩戴正確率pediatric intensive care unitcreative handringsthe accuracy of handring wearingTSCI
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2015.19(3).09


2013年兒科加護病房病童手圈佩戴,稽核發現病童手圈佩戴正確率為63.3%。故希望藉由探討護 理師執行困難的原因,找出可行的解決辦法,以提升手圈佩戴正確率。經專案成員收集分析相關資料, 歸納出手圈佩戴正確率低之原因,主要原因包括:①婴幼兒皮膚薄且脆弱,手圈置於胸前衣物、②手圈 條碼易髒污或刮損,條碼掃描裝置辨識度差、③放置動靜脈導管時將手圈移除,結束後未補上、④未設 立單位手圈佩戴標準作業規範内容,手圈佩戴步驟未標準化、⑤未定期作手圈佩戴正確評核、⑥單位未 定期舉辦在職教育。目的期能達成護理師執行病童手圈佩戴正確率由63.3%,提升至95.0%。改善策略包 含:①改良傳統手圈,採用親水性敷料保護婴幼兒皮膚、②擬訂每班手圈核對及記錄、③設計創意手圈, 採用人工薄膜加強手圈條碼辨識,製作電腦圖檔示範條碼辨識流程、④應用創意手圈於臨床、⑤修訂本 院病人辨識過程完成率評核表,訂定標準程序執行流程、⑥舉辦病童手圈佩戴正確標準流程教育訓練、 ⑦建立病童手圈佩戴過程標準化步驟持續監控辦法,提升正確佩戴手圈的一致性。經計畫至執行後,評 值改善策略之成效,發現改善後病童手圈佩戴正確率由63.3%,提升至98.6%,改善成效顯著。專案建立 病童手圈佩戴標準程序,不但提升了病童手圈佩戴正確率,也擴屐至兒科其他單位,有助於提升護理師 執行手圈佩戴之正確性及病童安全。


Due to the low accuracy (63% as found in 2013) of pediatric ICU children’s handring wearing, we wanted to find out the reasons and disclose some feasible and creative solutions. Major reasons for the low accuracy included: (1)For fear of hurting infants' soft skin, handrings were attached to their clothes in front of the chest; (2)Scan readability was low because the material was easily stained or scratched; (3)Handrings were not put back after arterial or venous catheters were placed; (4)The operation of handring-wearing was not standardized; (5)There was no regular evaluation of the accuracy of handring-wearing; and (6) No on-the-job training about the standards of operation on handring-wearing was given in the unit. We expected to raise the accuracy of handring-wearing from 63.3% to 95%. Methods: (1)Using hydrocolloid material to protect infants’ skin; (2) Standardizing the process of handring wearing check and record-keeping; (3) Designing creative handrings and using artificial membrane to improve the readability; (4)Using the newly designed handrings clinically; (5)Amending the evaluation form of patient-identification process; (6)Offering training courses on correct handring-wearing process; and (7)Developing a monitoring system to enforce the process. Accuracy has significantly from 63.3% risen up to 98.6%. We suggested this project could be put into daily practice not only in the ICU unit but also in other pediatric units.
