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篇名 科技接受模式與應用—以慢性病長者遠距照護使用為例
卷期 62:3
並列篇名 The Technology Acceptance Model and Its Application in a Telehealth Program for the Elderly With Chronic Illnesses
作者 張紀萍
頁次 011-016
關鍵字 科技接受模式修正後科技接受模式慢性病長者科技接受遠距照護technology acceptance model revised technology acceptance model technology acceptance of older adults with chronic illnesstelehealthMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.6224/JN.62.3.11


科技的發展大多可以增進人類的生活品質,讓生活更舒適。新的科技對大部份的人而言都是受歡 迎的,尤其資訊分享是造成現今科技社會改變的最大原因。科技不僅帶來創新的生活,同時也改 變了生活方式。科技接受模式是隨著電腦等資訊科技快速進步而發展出來的理論,用以解釋或預 測使用者對新資訊科技的接受程度,以往是企業在推出新科技產品時評估使用者的工具,並透過 影響模式中的外在因素進一步來影響使用者的認知與信念,以順利推展創新科技。醫療照護資訊 化目前在健康照護上扮演著重要的角色,尤其隨著人口快速老化與疾病型態的慢性化,長期照護 的質與量需求日趨殷切,所以醫療照護與資訊科技,逐漸受到重視,但須要健康照護的長者多數 是科技使用的落後者,有鑑於此,本文重新檢視相關的科技接受模式理論,並探討理論中的重 要概念對科技接受的影響性。文中再以修正後科技接受模式(revised technology acceptance model, TAM 2),對應長者使用遠距照護的經驗為例,以加深護理人員在資訊化照護上的了解,並可做 為其它健康科技運用於長者族群或長期照護之研究參考。


Many technology developments hold the potential to improve the quality of life of people and make life easier and more comfortable. New technologies have been well accepted by most people. Information sharing in particular is a major catalyst of change in our current technology-based society. Technology has widely innovated life and drastically changed lifestyles. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), a model developed to address the rapid advances in computer technology, is used to explain and predict user acceptance of new information technology. In the past, businesses have used the TAM as an assessment tool to predict user acceptance when introducing new technology products. They have also used external factors in the model to influence user perceptions and beliefs and to ensure the successful spread of new technologies. Informatization plays a critical role in healthcare services. Due to the rapid aging of populations and upward trends in the incidence of chronic illness, requirements for long-term care have increased in both quality and quantity. Therefore, there has been an increased emphasis on integrating healthcare and information technology. However, most elderly are significantly less adept at technology use than the general population. Therefore, we reexamined the effect that the essential concepts in a TAM exerted on technology acceptance. In the present study, the technology acceptance experience with regard to telehealth of the elderly was used as an example to explain how the revised technology acceptance model (TAM 2) may be effectively applied to enhance the understanding of technology care among nurses. The results may serve as a reference for future research on healthcare-technology use in long-term care or in elderly populations.
