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篇名 健康照護科技之評值方法介紹
卷期 62:3
並列篇名 An Introduction to Methods for Evaluating Health Care Technology
作者 李亭亭
頁次 017-022
關鍵字 資訊科技評值法訪談問卷調查工作取樣資料探勘information technologyevaluation methodinterviewsquestionnaire surveywork samplingdata miningMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.6224/JN.62.3.17




The rapid and continual advance of healthcare technology makes ensuring that this technology is used effectively to achieve its original goals a critical issue. This paper presents three methods that may be applied by healthcare professionals in the evaluation of healthcare technology. These methods include: the perception/experiences of users, user work-pattern changes, and chart review or data mining. The first method includes two categories: using interviews to explore the user experience and using theory-based questionnaire surveys. The second method applies work sampling to observe the work pattern changes of users. The last method conducts chart reviews or data mining to analyze the designated variables. In conclusion, while evaluative feedback may be used to improve the design and development of healthcare technology applications, the informatics competency and informatics literacy of users may be further explored in future research.
