
臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 ScopusTHCI

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篇名 西田幾多郎與牟宗三的人格論:關於批判佛教對京都學派批評的反思
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Theory of Personhood in Nishida Kitarō and Mou Zongsan: Reflections on Critical Buddhism's View of the Kyoto School
作者 朝倉友海
頁次 041-063
關鍵字 Nishida KitarōMou ZongsanLogic of BashoPerfect Teaching西田幾多郎牟宗三場所邏輯圓教模式THCI Core
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.6163/tjeas.2015.12(1)41




This paper attempts to interpret the theory of personhood in the works of Nishida Kitarō (1870-1945) in a way that refutes a certain type of Nishida interpretation that Critical Buddhism offers. According to this type of interpretation, the logic of basho is a modern version of the Qixinlun system. Based on this interpretation, Critical Buddhism denounces Kyoto School philosophy as "topical Buddhism." This paper shows how Nishida himself consciously differentiates his philosophy from the idealistic and monistic system with which the earlier version of the logic of basho can easily be confused. To show that his theory of personhood opposes the Qixinlun–like system, I argue that Mou Zongsan's (1909-1995) Tiantai theory of personhood is analogous to Nishida's and explore the common nature of their philosophies.
