
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 「關係爲本」與中國式管理
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 Relation-based Governance and Chinese-Style Management
作者 李少民
頁次 032-047
關鍵字 法制為本關係為本中國式管理rule-basedrelation-basedChinese-style managementTSSCI
出刊日期 200712


本文從宏觀監管環境的角度,提出一 個理論框架,把世界各國的監管環境劃分 為「法制為本」和「關係為本」兩大類。 宏觀監管環境指一國的政治、經濟、法律 和社會制度的總和,這些制度影窖組織和 個人監管行為和方法。在國家的法律和規 章公平合理|執法公正有效的社會,組織 和個人傾向於依賴國家的法律和規章來保 護自己的利益和解決糾紛,我們稱這類社 會為「法制為本」的社會;在國家的法律 和規章不公平合理,執法不公正有效的社 會,組織和個人傾向於依賴非正式的、私 人的關係來保護自己的利益和解決糾紛, 我們稱這類社會為「關係為本」的社會。 從交易成本的角度來看,「法制為本」的 不變成本大,邊際成本遞減,有利於大規 模經濟;「關係為本」的不變成本小,邊 際成本遞增|對小規模經濟有利。亞洲的 經濟起飛,即端賴於「關係為本」。 中國大陸是一個典型的「關係為本」 社會,這一制度是中國大陸經濟起飛的原 因,也將是中國大陸經濟發展的桎梏。對 於在中國大陸經商的跨國公司,理解「關 係為本」的管理行為,以及「關係為本」 制度的變遷,十分重要。本文進而探討 「關係為本」管理的特點及轉變,以協助 跨國公司和經商人士在中國大陸這類的 「關係為本」社會中,提高經營和監管的 效益。


This article proposes a new framework of governance environment contrasting rule-based governance system with relation-based system. Governance environment is defined as the set of political, economic, legal, and social institutions in a society that facilitates or constrains the choice of governance mechanism by individuals and organizations in protecting their interest in exchanges. In a society where the public rules—laws and government regulations—are fairly made and transparent, and the state can impartially, effectively and efficiently enforce them, and people and organizations primarily rely on public rules to resolve disputes and protect their interest, we say that such a society has a rule-based governance system. If in a society in which the public rules are opaque and unfair, the courts are in-fluenced by politicians and cannot enforce rules impartially, and people and firms tend to circumvent public rules and resort to private relations and informal networks to protect their rights and interests, we call such a society relation-based. The article discusses the costs and benefits of the two modes of governance, the transition from relation-based system to rule-based system as economies expand in scale and scope, and the pitfalls associated with the transition.
