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篇名 從電音三太子看藝陣的傳統與創新
卷期 22
並列篇名 The Tradition and Innovation of the Folk Art Procession (of God’s Entourage) Revealed in the Electric San Taizi
作者 黃玲玉
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 次文化藝陣大仙魅仔陣哪吒電子音樂電音三太子subculturethe folk art processionthe God’s EntourageNezhaelectronic musicElectric San Tai-zi
出刊日期 201606


臺灣藝陣文獻上所見大大小小超過兩百種以上,包括福佬系藝陣、客家系藝陣、原住民藝陣等,但大多屬於福佬系藝陣。這些藝陣主要分布於西南部平原,其來源大致可分為隨移民來自閩南的傳統藝陣、模仿衍生的藝陣與新興的藝陣三種。電音三太子為福佬系藝陣之一,屬模仿衍生的藝陣,亦屬新興的藝陣,但嚴 格言之應屬前者。 電音三太子是結合電音(電子音樂)與臺灣傳統民俗藝陣三太子(大仙跬仔陣)的表演,是臺灣本土特有的文化,也是臺灣的一種表演次文化。其人偶外在特徵大約是咬著奶嘴,帶著各式眼鏡與白色手套,拿著螢光棒,隨著電子音樂跳舞,甚至騎著改裝摩托車行進等。由於電音三太子脫胎於傳統藝陣大仙起仔陣,而大仙起仔陣眾角色之一為 「三太子」李哪吒,加上電音三太子的「電音」,指的是電子音樂,故本文將先 從臺灣藝陣概述、大仙旌仔陣、三太子、電子音樂、電音三太子等幾個面向作敘述,再敘述「電音三太子」藝陣的傳統與創新。


According to literature, there’re more than 200 types of folk art processions (of god’s entourages), including Minnan processions, Hakka processions, aboriginal processions, etc. Most of them are of Minnan origin. These folk art processions have been chiefly performed in the southwestern plain of Taiwan. The origin of these entourage processions can be divided into three categories: the traditional processions brought here by the Minnan immigrants, the ones derived by imitation, and the new kinds of procession. Electric San Taizi is one type of Minnan processions, which falls into the second and third categories. Strictly speaking, however, it belongs to that derived by imitation. The Electric San Taizi is a performance that combines the electronic music and the traditional San Taizi procession (the god’s entourage). It’s a unique phenomenon in the Taiwanese culture, and it is a performance subculture. The San Taizi’s effigies are usually donned with pacifiers, sunglasses and white gloves, brandishing light sticks and dancing to the electronic music at the same time. Sometimes they even ride on modified motorcycles in the procession. San Taizi, whose name is Nezha Lee (aka San Taizi and the 3rd Prince), is one of the deities in the god’s entourage. Electric San Taizi was originated from the traditional folk art procession of god’s entourage. The word “Electric” means electronic music. This article will introduce Taiwanese folk art procession of the god’s entourage, San Taizi, electronic music, and Electric San Taizi, followed by the tradition and innovation of Electric San Taizi in the folk art procession of god’s entourage.
