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篇名 兩岸高等教育「國樂」課程比較初探一以六個專業學系為研究對象
卷期 22
並列篇名 A Comparison of Post-Secondary Guoyue Curricula in Taiwan and in Mainland China: Six University/Conservatory Programs as Research Subjects
作者 施德玉
頁次 033-062
關鍵字 國樂國樂系國樂課程兩岸音樂教育音樂學院課程guoyuedepartment of Chinese musicguoyue curriculummusic education in Taiwan and in Mainland Chinacurricula in music schools
出刊日期 201606


國樂(民樂)在兩岸都有很好的發展,隨著科技進步,社會現代化,民眾對 於音樂的審美觀也逐漸與世界接軌,因此當代國樂有更多面相的發展,不論樂曲 的音樂風格或表現方式,都有多元新穎的面貌呈現。當社會大眾開始喜歡「國 樂」,重視「國樂」,那麼就有更多的音樂工作者參與國樂的演奏、創作、研究與 教學,使國樂在良性循環之下,演變成為當代的重要樂種。 本文探究兩岸高等教育中對於專業國樂教學上之異同,在兩岸國樂教育課程 的比較中,各校的排序為:臺南藝術大學、臺灣藝術大學、中國文化大學、中央 音樂學院、中國音樂學院和上海音樂學院。前三所是臺灣的大學,而後三所是大 陸的音樂學院。 在這六所不同學校國樂教育相關課程的比較方面,本文首先對於這些學校的 背景和辦學理念進行疏理,包含各校相關學系的教育宗旨、教學目標、和課程分 類方式。其次將各校的課程分為「一般學科課程」、「專業學科課程」和「專業術 科課程」,進行排比分析。以能深入的分析各校課程規劃的用意與目的,進而探 究兩岸培育國樂人才的異同,提供相關單位、音樂教育界和對國樂有興趣之專業 人士參考。


Guoyue ("national music"), also known as minyue ("ethnic music") in Mainland China, has undergone extensive development on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. With the advancement of technology and the modernization of society, the public’s aesthetics of music has gradually become linked to the larger global community. The development of guoyue has thus become increasingly multi-faceted, and the genre displays diversity and innovation in music styles and methods of performance. As the general public grew fond of guoyue, the quantity of professionals involved in the performance, composition, research, and education of the music expanded. Today, guoyue has become a major music genre. This paper aims to explore the similarities and differences between professional guoyue curricula practiced at universities/conservatories in Taiwan and in Mainland China. The universities and conservatories chosen as research subjects are as follows: Tainan National University of the Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts, and Chinese Culture University in Taiwan; Central Conservatory of Music, China Conservatory of Music, and Shanghai Conservatory of Music in China. In comparing the curricula of these six different guoyue programs, this paper starts off by overviewing each school’s background and education ideals, as well as the goals, objectives, and course categories of its guoyue program. Building upon that, I split and categorize each program’s curriculum into “General Courses,” “Academic Courses,” and “Practical Courses” for juxtaposition and analysis. With an in-depth analysis of each program’s curriculum design and objectives, and furthermore, an exploration of the similarities and differences between institutional cultivation of guoyue talents in Taiwan and its counterpart in Mainland China, this research hopes to contribute to the scholarship that is useful for parties and individuals involved in guoyue and music education.
