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篇名 運用 Time Out 概念於重症病人轉運安全之成效初探
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Time-Out as a Standard Safety Procedure for Transferring Critically Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
作者 吳純怡陳瑞貞
頁次 073-078
關鍵字 重症病人轉運time out查核表transferring critically patientstime outchecklistTSCI
出刊日期 201701
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2017.21(1).9


重症病人因病情嚴重度高、留置管路眾多,在轉運的過程中容易因病情不穩定發生嚴重的合併症。因此,重症病人轉送過程中應完整評估病人嚴重度、護送人員資格與層級、運送途中所需監測與維生設備、輸注幫浦正常運作、足夠藥品、病況改變或突發狀況之應變方式等,醫療單位應設有完善轉運安全流程規範以加強保護病人安全。本專案運用time out之概念於重症病人轉運安全議題,藉由規劃完善轉運作業準則及建立團隊機制,運用「加護病房轉運病人安全查核表」及使用簡易口訣「停-看-聽」以謹慎態度落實執行轉運過程,建立醫護人員對於重症病人轉運過程安全的概念及危機意識,提升病人轉送照護品質,以達病人安全之目標。


The process to transfer critically ill patients is vulnerable to severe complications due to unstable illness state. Comprehensive pre-transferring assessment and appropriate transfer equipment may improve patient safety and reduce risk for complication during the transfer. This project used time-out as a standard safety procedure for transferring critically patients in the intensive care unit. The countermeasure includes establishing patients transfer checklist, highlight nursing personnel of the quality of secure actions. Medical staffs need to aware and reach a consensus for improving completeness of transferring critically ill patients is highly associated with patient safety. Promoting the care quality during transferring patients can result in increased patient safety. Key Words: transferring critically patients, time out, checklist
