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篇名 愛情關係及其影響因素的分析研究
卷期 3
並列篇名 Study of love relationships and its related variables
作者 王慶福張德榮林幸台
頁次 092-126
關鍵字 愛情關係關係適應人際依附風格性別角色取向愛情觀人際親密能力Love relationshiprelationship adjustmentattachment stylesex role orientationlove attitudeintimacy competence
出刊日期 199512


本硏究針對大學生的愛情關係及其影響因素進行探討,主要硏究變項包括:愛 情關係、關係適應、性別角色取向、人際依附風格、愛情觀、人際親密能力等。本 硏究以836位處於團體約會、單獨約會、固定對象單獨約會等不同交往階段的大學 生爲硏究樣本,將愛情關係從親密、激情、決定/承諾三種成份加以評量分析,並 依三成份之有無將大學生歸類爲無愛、喜歡、迷戀、空愛、友伴愛、浪漫愛、昏庸 之愛、完金之愛等八锺愛情關係型態。大學生的關係適應品質則從滿意與成長、衝 突與矛盾、及自主性等向度加以檢視。本硏究發現不同人際依附風格及性別角色取 向的大學生的愛情關係與關係適應有顯著差異。進而以281位有固定交往對象的大 學生樣本資料進行線性結構關係分析,發現大學生的愛情關係比較受到性別角色取 向與愛情觀的影響,關係適應則較受人際依附風格的影響。整體而言,兼具男女性 別角色特質的兩性化者與人際依附風格傾向安全依附者有較佳之愛情關係與關係適 應,而追逐遊戲、友伴照顧、犧牲付出等愛情觀,及主動與表露、情緒支持等人際 親密能力,則扮演調節變項的角色。 綜合各項硏究結果與發現硏究者建議繼續發展建立一個有助於檢視愛情關係與其相關因素的理論與評量系統,以助益兩性親密關係諮商輔導工作及兩性關係教育


This study investigated the love relationships and related variables including relationship adjustment, attachment style, sex role orientation, love attitude and intimacy competence of college students in Taiwan. The study surveyed 836 college students in different stages of romantic relationships. College students5 love relationships were assessed by three components including intimacy, passion and decision/commitment. The relationship adjustment were evaluated by global satisfaction, conflict/ambivalence and autonomous/symbiosis. The results revealed that college students with different attachment styles and different sex role orientations were significantly different in their love relationships and relationship adjustment. The path model for love relationships of college students in seriously dating stage analyzed by the Covariance Analysis of Linear Structure Equations with 281 students indicated that love relationships were influenced by sex role orientation and love attitudes. And the relationship adjustment were influenced by attachment styles and intimacy competence. In short, the androgynous college students have better love relationships and students with secure attachment style make better relationship adjustment. The love attitudes such as ludus, storage, agape, and the intimacy competence such as initiate/disclosure and emotional support played the roles of moderator variables in this casual model. Suggestions were provided accordingly, including further developing a theoretical and evaluating system for the love relationships of college students in Taiwan.
