
社會政策與社會工作學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 婆家?娘家?何處是我家? 女性單親家長的家庭支持系統分析
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 Conjugal Families? Birth Families? Where is My Home? The Family Support System among Female Single Parents
作者 彭淑華
頁次 197-262
關鍵字 單親家庭女性單親家長女性爲戶長單親家庭家庭支持 系統婦女福利single parent familiesfemale single parentsfemale-headed single parent familiesfamily support systemwelfare for the womenTSSCI
出刊日期 200512


在家庭結構變遷的趨勢下,單親家庭的成長是現代社會關切的重 要課題之一。雖然台灣地區男、女性單親家庭的比例約爲4 : 6,不 若歐美地區各國女性單親家庭高達八成來得懸殊,但在以父系親屬爲 主體的台灣社會,女性單親家庭面臨的生活處境仍是特別需要被關注 的。而在論及女性生活處境及相關支持體系時,非正式支持系統的親 屬支持常被視爲理所當然。當「嫁出去的女兒,潑出去的水」、「生 爲X家人、死爲X家鬼」的傳統觀念仍然充斥於台灣社會中,那麼, 女性單親家長與其源出之根——娘家,以及因婚姻而產生的另一個家 族——婆家之間,這樣的微妙關係如何在形成單親及經歷單親的歷程 中產生變化?更重要的是,女性單親家長如何看待這些常常被視爲理 所當然的支持系統? 本論文即以女性單親家長爲研究對象,期望了解女性單親家長如 何主觀1全釋家庭支持(family support) °爲達上述目的,研冗者採用 質性研究之焦點團體法,並輔以深度訪談法。共有21位女性單親家 長參與訪談,另外相關工作人員有關女性單親家庭支持系統部分的觀 點亦適時納入本文之研究發現中。 研究發現,婆家或前配偶與女性單親間的關係是漸行漸遠,終至 形同陌路。而血濃於水的娘家亦並非完全是女性單親家長避風的港 灣,阻礙女性單親家長獲得娘家支持的部分原因可能源自個人的主觀 認知,另一部分則是女性單親自身的經驗。女性單親家長徘徊在「外 客」與「過客」之間,凸顯女性單親家庭面臨的困境,而女性單親家 長獲得的家庭支持更多的是一種偶然,而非絕對的必然。同時,也讓 我們必須再度正視女性單親家庭爲獨立家户之社會事實與必要性。未 來在政策規劃與實務工作推動上,更應積極營造免於被標籤、感受關 懷與支持的友善氛圍。


The growth and impacts of single parent families are one of the most concerned issues in the contemporary studies. From the perspectives of the Taiwanese culture, married women are like the split water, belong to the families they are married. When the status of married women changed, how female single parents has experienced the process of becoming a single parent ? How do they feel? What happened to them? In order to reach the above goals, the researcher used focus group method and in-depth interview to collect the data. The subjective interpretations of 21 female single parents are explored. Two male single parents and 27 social service providers are also interviewed to formulate the complete and true family support pictures of female-headed households. Results indicated that the family support systems are limited among interviewed female-headed households. The informants pointed that their relationships with conjugal families are distant. They are like foreigners when their marriage are put an end. Concerning to the relationships with their families of origin, female single parents perceived the nature of transition and instability. Some implications are discussed to develop a coordinated social service delivery to help these women in need.
