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篇名 系統性文獻回顧:學齡期自閉症類群障礙兒童的動作障礙及其與社交溝通缺損之相關性
卷期 42:3
並列篇名 A Systematic Literature Review: Motor Impairments and the Relationship with Social Communication Deficits in School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
作者 李依恬李郁琦邱勇翰吳晏慈
頁次 211-227
關鍵字 自閉症類群障礙動作社交溝通學齡期兒童ASDMotorSocial communicationSchool-agcd childrenTSCI
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.6215/FJPT.201709 42(3).0002


兒童罹患自閉症類群障礙(簡稱自閉症)的核心症狀為社交溝通缺損與侷限、重複的固著行為和典趣。近 年來的研究顯示自閉症兒童在嬰幼兒至學齡期的動作發展比同齡正常兒童的發展落後。學齡期的自閉症兒童* 其動作功能的障礙可能影響社交活動的參與,使其在動作技能上的學習和發展更為受限。因此,本篇文章對過 去學齡期自閉症兒童的動作發展研究進行文獻回顧,並探討其動作障礙與社交溝通缺損之相關性u綜合文獻資 料顯示,學齡期自閉症兒童在動作協調、模仿與實物操作、手部精細動作、姿勢控制與平衡、及動作計畫較同 齡的正常兒童或注意力不足過動症、發展協調障礙、及語言發展遲緩的兒童差,並且自閉症兒童的動作功能與 其社交溝通能力具有重要相關性。過去研究顯示社交溝通缺損越嚴重的自閉症兒童,其球類操控技能、模仿及 實務操作能力的表現也越差。其動作障礙的原因可能和咸覺調節、神經生理的缺損、及異常的動作學習模式有 關。以知覺動作結合理論的觀點做解釋,自閉症兒童的動作障礙會影響兒童和同儕互動的機會,使其社交溝通 能力更為低落,並且其社交障礙亦會長期影響兒童動作技巧。本篇的文獻回顧顯示,早期介入自閉症兒童的動 作問題,對於改善其社交溝通症狀與動作發展有其重要性•物理治療師亟需對其動作問題進行臨床評估與積極 治療,因此本篇文章亦介紹具實證基礎的行為介入方法,以提供對自閉症兒童的動作問題之介入策略。


The core symptoms of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) arc deficits in social interaction and communication, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. Nowadays, a number of studies have indicated that, from infancy ro school age, children with ASD showed slower motor development chan their peers wirhout ASD. For school-aged children with ASD, motor impairments may affect their participation in social activities and subsequently limit motor skill learning and developmeni. Tlius, the present study aims to review previous studies on the motor function and development of children with ASD, and to examine the relationship between motor impairments and social communication deficits. Previous studies suggested that children with ASD are less developed in abilities related to motor coordination, imitation and praxis, postural control, and motor planning than children of the same age without ASD, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, devdopmenrd coordination disorder,or language delay. In addition, previous studies observed a significant correlation between the motor coordination and social communication skills of children with ASD, indicating that, for these children, severe social communication difficulties associated with poor ball skills, imitation and praxis skills. These impairments in motor function may be caUvScd by sensory modulation disorders, neurophysiological impairments, or abnormal motor learning. From die perspective of perception-action coupling, motor impairments prevent children with ASD from interacting with peers, deteriorate social communication skills, and meanwhile affect motor learning experience on a long-term basis. The literature shows that, for dicse children, early motor intervention is crucial to improving social communicarion deficits and long-term motor development. Moreover, they must receive comprehensive developmental assessments and intervention from physical therapists to reduce motor development problems. Therefore, a number of evidcnce-bascd behavior intervenrion approaches for children with ASD are introduced in this study to provide a reference for clinical intervention strategies.
