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篇名 不只是動得快——如何學得好,在教育系統運用輔具促進腦性麻痺參與及學習
卷期 42:3
並列篇名 Not Only Moving Fast — Also How to Learn Well, the Application of Assistive Technology in Education System to Promote Cerebral Palsy Children Participation and Learning
作者 蘇育世楊忠一李韋徵徐麒晏
頁次 234-246
關鍵字 粗大動作功能分類系統步行辅具電動輪椅站立架電腦輔具Gross Motor Function Classification SystemWalking devicePower wheelchairStanding frameComputer accessTSCI
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.6215/FJPT.201709 42(3).0004


特殊需求學童,像是腦性麻痺孩童,時常因身體的機能構造與功能*影響其學校活動上的參與。然而根 據學校課程與情境,提供合適輔具的適配與介入,除促進學童的獨立性與學習表現外,更能增加學童參與校園 生活以及社交互動的機會。本文將簡介輔具介入概念、粗大動作功能分類系統,並分別介紹各種步行輔具、輪 椅、電動輪椅、站立架、電腦輔具的功能,以及如何依據學童的粗大動作功能等級和校園活動需求,給予合適 的輔具協助與無障礙校園環境,使學童能夠有最佳的學習表現。


Children with body structure or functional disability, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, often have dirTiculty in participating school activiries. However, the application of appropriate assistive technology will cnliance their independence and learning performance, furthermore, increase their participation in vSchool life and social interaction. This article briefly reviewed the concepts of assistive technology, Gross Motor Function Classification System, and introduced difFerent types of walking devices, wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, standing frames, computer access. The prescription of assistive technology based on children functional abilities were also described and summarized.
