
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 國際志工經驗對自我概念轉換及展現的影響
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Influences of Experiences of International Volunteering on Self-Concept Transformation and Expression
作者 陳彥勻吳佳燕林家五
頁次 233-304
關鍵字 反映最佳自我自我概念轉變志工紮根理論運作中的自我概念grounded theoryreflected best-self self-concept transformationvolunteerworking self-concept TSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6254/2017.47.233


參與國際志工服務,是近年來台灣大專校院學生熱衷參與的活 動。社會普遍認為,此經驗對年輕人的成長,有相當大的助益。但國 際志工的經歷對個體的自我概念是如何產生轉變,卻尚未被深入探 討。本研究以「運作中的自我概念」(working self-concept, WSC) 與「反映最佳自我」(reflected best-self, RBS)二項觀點為基礎,探 討自我概念的基模,可能會在特異、主動、開放參與的國際志工經驗 中產生轉變。本研究針對10 位參與國際志工的大專校院學生,每位 進行20至90分鐘的半結構式訪談,受訪者服務地點跨越歐亞非三洲 8個國家。訪談資料經紮根理論分析後,歸納出「國際志工經驗」、 「自我概念轉換」、「展現」等三階段模式,進一步可展開為「經驗 衝擊自我」、「重新自我定位」、「自我基模轉變」、「社會自我轉 變」、「個人自我展現」、「社會自我展現」等六個主要因素。研究 結果共推導出五個命題,命題內容涵蓋自我概念轉變三階段的內涵和 經驗投入、轉換處理程序與展現結果的階段概念,以及脈絡因素對自 我概念轉變的影響。


International volunteering is a popular vacation activity for college students in Taiwan. Most believe volunteering is good for selfdevelopment, but the underlying process initiated by international volunteering has not been well-explored. This article explores how a person’s self-concept changes through the experience of international volunteering using working self-concept (WSC) and reflected best-self (RBS) as the theoretical basis. We conducted 10 semi-structured interviews with college students with international volunteer experience. Using grounded theory analysis, we identified a 3-stage model (international volunteering experience, self-concept transformation, and expressiveness) with 6 factors (self-concept impacted by experience, self-redefinition, self-schema change, social self-change, individual self-expressiveness, social self-expressiveness). Five propositions were concluded, which specified the 3- stages process model with experience input, transformation processes ,expressiveness outcome and clarified the contextual impacts to the self-concept transformation.
