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篇名 以環境效率觀點探討照明型式與色溫度對工作者情緒與工作績效之影響--以20~28歲年輕族群為例
卷期 102
並列篇名 Effects of Illumination Types and Color Temperatures on Office Worker's Moods and Task Performance from the Viewpoint of Eco-efficiency –A Case of Subjects at the Age of 20-28
作者 謝明燁李冠慧
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 照明型式照度色溫度工作績效照明用電密度Illumination TypeIlluminanceColor TemperatureTask PerformanceLighting Power DensityTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/101632122017120102001




"Eco-efficiency" refers to the ratio of environmental quality and environmental load. This study controlled the factor “Lighting power density”, which can reflect the amount of environmental load but rarely discussed. This study discussed office worker’s moods and task performance in eight lighting environments, which were the combination of two illumination types, two color temperatures and two lighting power densities. The findings showed that 3000K is more advantageous to moods than 6500K, particularly when 3000K combines indirect lightings. When lighting power density increased from 8 to 16W/m2, most of the moods did not increase significantly, and the improvement of task performance was 5-8% at most. This means that eco-efficiency decreased to 1/2 at 16W/m2 than 8W/m2.As for illuminance level, people’s moods were better when illuminance on a desk is between400 and 600lx.When illuminance on a desk is lower than 300lx or higher than 800lx, both “Fatigue” and “Amenity” become more disadvantageous.
