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篇名 在死亡與苦難前相濡以沫—癌末病人家屬的靈性照護
卷期 65:3
並列篇名 Mutual Support Beyond Suffering and Mortality-Spiritual Care for Families of Terminal Cancer Patients
作者 楊婉萍劉芊葳宋聖芬
頁次 022-027
關鍵字 苦難靈性照護癌症末期死亡家屬sufferingspiritual careterminal cancermortalityfamiliesMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201806




With the progression of cancer and the approach of death in terminal cancer patients, the suffering of the family members of patients increases drastically, often leading into a difficult spiritual journey. The needs for spiritual care in this population generally consist of: 1. Empathy: Bearing the psychological stress due to the sharing of physical pain with the patients; 2. Powerlessness: Regretting not having the power to turn the tide; 3. Loneliness: Becoming exhausted due to facing heavy physical workloads alone; 4. Break down: Feeling hopeless in the face of the myriad challenges of care; 5. Despair: Feeling perplexed by the prospects of a desperate future; 6. Sorrow: Feeling bitter due to the realization that the disease is incurable and to being reluctant to acknowledge the parting. The spiritual needs of family members may be met by evaluating the needs for and resistance to spiritual care, followed by the use of religious and non-religious companions and the application of listening and empathy approaches in order to elicit positive thoughts and the values of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. In strengthening their personal beliefs, family members may find connectedness with god, humanity, and objects; may see hope in life; and may find the meaning of suffering in order to further seek and find inner peace, accomplish themselves, and eventually achieve spiritual sublimation.
