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篇名 易道與筮道一李道純《周易尚占》的占筮研究
卷期 44
並列篇名 The Way of The Classic of Changes and the Way of Divination: A Study of the Divination in Li Dao-Chun's Treatise on the Divination of The Classic of Changes
作者 王詩評
頁次 043-058
關鍵字 周易尚占李道純占筮易經卜卦A Treatise on the Divination of The Classic of ChangesLi Dao-ChundivinationThe Classic of Changesdivination
出刊日期 201806


元代道士李道純精研丹道,著作甚豐,後世對其討論多置於內丹修煉與三教合一, 然其《寶顏堂秘笈》收有《周易尚占》,是一部占筮典籍,卻未有太深入之研究。《周 易尚占》結合丹道講述《易》學占筮,上承京房《易》說與《火珠林》的筮法體系, 在運用《易》學象數行蓍的過程中,擴展卦爻符號的象徵意義,發揮深刻的《易》理 旨趣。本文茲就占筮方法、占辭分析、占筮思想進行討論,期望就此三面向,爬梳是 書之占筮特色。


Li Dao-Chun, a Daoist mastering Chinese alchemy and a prolific writer during the Yuan Dynasty, is often discussed by later generations for his inner alchemy practice and integration of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. No in-depth research expounds his book of divination A Treatise on the Divination o^f The Classic o^f Changes, included in his Secrets o^f the Bao-Yan Hall. Succeeding Jing Fang's theory of The Classic o^f Changes and the divination system of The Fire Pearl Forest, the Treatise combines Chinese alchemy to illuminate the divination of The Classic o^f Changes. In the process of applying the images in The Classic of Changes to divine, it expands the symbolic meaning of the hexagram line symbols and elaborates on the meaning of The Classic o^f Changes. This paper explores its methods of divination, analyses of divination statements, and thoughts of divination, so as to sort out its features of divination in these three aspects.
