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篇名 西部:約翰•厄普戴克的《兔子,快跑》的異質邦
卷期 44
並列篇名 The West: A Heterotopia in John Updike's Rabbit, Run
作者 涂淑惠
頁次 101-111
關鍵字 異質邦鏡子人本中心並存Heterotopiamirroranthropocentriccoexistence
出刊日期 201806


約翰。厄普戴克的《兔子,快跑》是以人為中心的意識形態的縮影。在故事中, 美國人經歷了生活方式、經濟、甚至地理環境的各種改變。故事裏,讀者可以看見美 國的天然景觀隨著工業美國的興起,慢慢地腐蝕、破壞。故事的主人翁,兔子,因為 無法適應快速變遷的環境,他選擇逃跑到南方,卻不經意地來到了尚未完全被破壞的 西部環境來逃避,以及尋求一個希望,諷刺的是,他卻在那裏迷失了方向,最後屈服 了現實,回到了他極力想躲離的世界。 在他逃離的過程中,被破壞的美國的天然環境也明顯地描述出來。隨的人的成 長,人類開始往未開發的西部前進。然而,越追求物質的成功及發展,人類就越發地 寂寞和孤單,這就是兔子的感受。因此,此文的目的是要從另一角度去探討人類和環 境的關係,以及人類如何藉由傅柯的異質邦的概念去辨別自己在社會中的自我。故事 中的西部就是鏡子的轉喻,透過這面鏡子,兔子發現自己並不在那裡,所以他迷失了 方向。他從文明中逃到了尚未被人類破壞的西部,他在那裏,卻也不在那裡,對兔子 而言,西部好像是一個存在,也是不存在的地方,一個讓他去重新去思索的自我虛無 之地。


John Updike's Rabbit, Run is an epitome of anthropocentric ideology in American life and thought, in which Americans have gone through various changes in lifestyle, economy and even landscapes. In this novel, readers can see American natural landscapes decaying and eroding with the industrialized America. Unable to adapt to the rapidly-changing, urban environments, they seek escape or a hope by exploring to the West, the symbol of uncivilized and undestroyed natural environment. Harry Angstrom, as his name implies, anxiety-ridden, serves this purpose. Harry Angstrom is depicted as an observer and witness to the changing America. In Rabbit, Run, in a series of changes and transformations, Harry doesn't accept the duty of being a husband and father; instead, he chooses to run away to the West. Nevertheless, Harry gets lost in the West and, in the end, giving in to the civilization, going back to his family. In the process of Rabbit's running, the devastation of and changes in American natural landscapes are vividly portrayed. With the growth of population^ human society extends to the undeveloped West. The more people chase material success and development, the more lonely and isolated they feel. It is what Rabbit feels and acts. Thus, the purpose of this paper aims to explore how Rabbit Angstrom responds to the coexistence of nature and civilization and to apply the concept of heterotopias in the reading. Heterotopia, introduced by Michel Foucault was meant for the “counter-sites,” a contrast to utopia. The West is the metonymy of the mirror, in which “ [Harry] sees himself there where he is not. He is over there, there where he is not.” When Rabbit runs to the West, where actually he is not; he gets lost. The West, or the undestroyed natural environment, is the “counteraction” on the site he occupied. That is, the West is the physical and non-physical site for Rabbit to “reconstitute himself where he is.”
