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篇名 心理調節措施在癌症患者身體心像改變及情緒困擾之成效-系統性文獻回顧
卷期 29:3=103
並列篇名 The Effects of Psychological Adjustment Intervention on Body Image Change and Emotional Distress in Cancer Patients: A Literature Review
作者 姜亭妤簡淑慧徐鴻智陳淑卿
頁次 350-366
關鍵字 癌症身體心像情緒困擾心理調節措施系統性文獻回顧cancerbody imageemotional distresspsychological adjustmentsystematic review
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6386/CGN.201809_29(3).0003


背景:癌症治療會造成外觀改變,進而影響身體心像及產生情緒困擾使生活品質降低,心理調節 措施對於身體心像及情緒困擾成效尚不明確。 目的:探討心理調節措施介入,對改善癌症患者身體心像改變及情緒困擾之成效。 方法:以系統性文回顧法,使用「癌症」、「情緒困擾」、「身體心像」、「心理影響」、 「心理調節」、「心理措施」、「心理成效」、「cancer」、「emotional distress」、 「body image」、「psychological effects」、「psychological adjustment」、「psychological intervention」、「psychological effectiveness」等關鍵字進行搜尋2017年8月前之資料庫文獻, 使用PubMed、Cochrane Library、MEDLINE、Embase、ProQuest、華藝線上圖書館等資料 庫(CEPS),選取符合條件為改善身體心像及情緒困擾之心理調節為介入措施之隨機分派臨 床試驗研究文章,共得五篇。 結果:本文獻回顧五篇隨機臨床實驗之研究,共390 位癌症患者接受心理調節措施,分別為乳癌、 大腸直腸癌及頭頸癌患者。結果發現使用不同之心理調節措施如:外觀修飾、瑜伽、冥想 及網站自我學習,其介入方案、持續時間及頻率皆有所不同,可改善身體心像及情緒困擾, 但仍需較多樣本數及長時間追蹤評估其成效。 結論/ 實務應用:整合文獻結果,臨床照護可運用外觀修飾、運動、冥想或網站自我學習等心裡 調節措施,改善癌症病人的身體心像及情緒困擾。


Background: Anti-cancer treatments impact on appearance image and cause body image change and emotional distress, leading to poor quality of life. The effects of psychological adjustment interventions on body image change and emotional distress in cancer patients remaining unclear. Purpose: This paper reviewed the effects of psychological adjustment intervention on body image change and emotional distress in cancer patients. Methods: Literature search was conducted in databases, including PubMed, Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase, ProQuest, and Airiti Library using the keywords “cancer”, “emotional distress”, “body image”, “psychological adjustment”, “psychological intervention”, “psychological effectiveness”. The search limited articles published before August 2017. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, five articles of relevant randomized controlled trials were extracted for review. Results: Three hundred and ninety cancer patients (breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and head and neck cancer) in the five randomized trial received psychological adjustment interventions. Different types of psychological adjustment intervention, including appearance modification, yoga, meditation and website self-learning, with various contents, duration, and frequency can improve body image changes and emotional distress. Further research with large sample size and long-term evaluation is required to verify the effects of psychological adjustment intervention. Conclusions/Implications for practice: In clinical care, exercise, appearance modification, mindfulness program or website self-learning can be applied in cancer patients for improving body image and reducing psychological distress.
