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篇名 照顧一位罹患心肌炎青少年的重症護理經驗
卷期 29:3=103
並列篇名 A Critical Nursing Experience of Caring for an Adolescent Patient with Myocarditis
作者 柯儀芳
頁次 491-501
關鍵字 心肌炎心肺容積監視器護理myocarditispulse-induced contour cardiac outputnursing
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6386/CGN.201809_29(3).0014


本文主要描述一位罹患急性心肌炎病患,放置心肺容積監視器(pulse-induced contour cardiac output, PiCCO)監測及強心藥物使用照護經驗,護理期間自2015年12月21日至2015年12月24日, 運用治療性關係、觀察、會談、病歷查閱進行資料收集,以Gordon 十一項健康功能型態評估及分 析,確立護理問題有心輸出量減少、睡眠型態紊亂及焦慮等。個案於加護病房期間因為疾病急遽 變化,感到生命受威脅,個案情緒顯焦慮、不安並有哭泣之行為,故引發筆者探討此個案之動機。 筆者以關懷的態度傾聽心理感受,建立良好護病關係後,鼓勵表達心中疑問,協助心理調適,運 用圖畫說明、鼓勵、音樂療法等,以減輕個案因對疾病不了解所產生的焦慮,主動提供治療訊息 和緩解個案生理不適狀況,避免中斷夜間睡眠,提升睡眠品質。在醫療團隊積極治療下,個案得 於身心理症狀改善後,終能順利移除強心藥物,並康復轉至普通病房。本文藉由護理照護經驗之 分享,提供臨床護理人員參考,祈能發揮護理獨特功能,讓護理專業服務品質更為提升。


This paper described the nursing experience of caring for a patient with acute myocarditis who used the pulse-induced contour cardiac out-put monitoring (PiCCO) and supported by inotropic agents. During the nursing care period (from 12/21/2015 to 12/24/2015), data were collected through observation, interview, and review of medical records, after es-tablishing caring relationship with the patient. By applying the Gordon's 11 functional health patterns assessment tool, the author confirmed that the patient had the following problem: decreased cardiac output, sleep pattern disturbance, and anxiety. The condition progressive rapidly in the intensive care unit. The patient was under life-threatening status, leading to emotional symptoms of anxiety, disturbance, and crying behavior. After listening to the patient expressed his psychological feelings with a caring attitude and establishing a good nursing relationship with the patient, the author encouraged the patient to express his doubt in mind, assisted the patient adjust psychologically, used pictorial instructions to encourage the patient, and offered music therapy to alleviate his anxiety caused by the unknown development of disease. The author took the initiative to provide treatment information and alleviated the physical discomfort to reduce nighttime sleep interruption so that the sleep quality could be improved. Inotropic agents were gradually reduced from the treatment plan. The patient recovered and was then transferred to the ordinary ward after receiving intensive treatment from medical team. The nursing experience highlights the significant function of nursing care that is essential in promoting the quality of care.
