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篇名 體適能納人十二年國教比序對學生體適能之影響
卷期 28
並列篇名 The impact of Physical Fitness Included in Compare the Ranking while Over Quotas in the 12-year Basic Education for Students
作者 邱次郎黃智能鄧政偉張世沛楊昌斌
頁次 031-046
關鍵字 十二年國教體適能超額比序12-year Basic Educationphysical fitnessover quotas
出刊日期 201806


本研究旨在探討體適能納入十二年國教比序對高中、職生體適能之影響,研究方 法為體適能檢測與問卷調查;體適能表現以花蓮地區國立高中、職學校102、103學年 度一年級新生做為研究對象,102學年度1,836名、103學年度1,738名,共計3,574 名。體適能表現原始檢測資料利用教育部體適能常模參照,以SPSS 20.0統計分析軟 體進行資料處理與分析。體適能認知與運動習慣問卷以花蓮地區國立高中、職學校103 學年度一年級新生為研究母群體進行抽樣,問卷共發出410份,實際回收403份,有 效問卷390份,可用率為95.1%。問卷回收後以SPSS 20.0統計分析軟體進行描述性統 計、獨立樣本t考驗等統計方法分析處理。本研究結果如下:——十二年國教政策納 入體適能後,花蓮區高中、職學生的體適能水準顯著提升。二、花蓮地區國立高中、 職新生體適能表現,高中優於高職。三、花蓮地區國立高中、職新生體適能表現,男 生優於女生。四、參與運動社團變項在「體適能納入十二年國教相關知能」及「個人 體適能期望」部分皆有顯著差異,有參與運動社團優於無參與運動社團。五、個人運 動習慣變項在「體適能納入十二年國教相關知能」及「個人體適能期望」部分皆有顯 著差異,個人運動習慣次數5次以上都有較佳的表現。


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of physical fitness included the over quotas of 12-year Basic Education for public senior and vocational high school students. Research methods of the study were physical fitness performance and questionnaire survey. The physical fitness performance of subjects had 3574 included 1836 from 2013 and 1738 from 2014, they were the first graders of public senior and vocational high schools in Hualien city. The fitness original data uses the physical fitness norm-referenced form Ministry of Education and then perform data processing and analysis with SPSS 20.0. The questionnaire survey of subjects were the first graders of public senior and vocational high schools in Hualien city from 2014 and then proceeded sampling in the research population. Total 410 copies of questionnaires are distributed and 403 copies are retrieved, in which 390 valid copies make the availability ratio of 95.1%. The retrieved questionnaires are proceeded by descriptive statistics and t-test with SPSS 20.0. The results of this study showed as follows: 1. 12-year Basic Education policy intervene the course of physical fitness, it really have significant promotion for senior and vocational high school students in Hualien city. 2. The fitness performance of the public senior high school students are better than the public vocational high school students in Hualien city. 3. The fitness performance of the public senior and vocational high school male students are better than female students in Hualien city. 4. There were significant differences among participated i physical fitness included associated knowledge about the 12-year Basic Education n sports club of and ” personal fitness expectations”,participated in sports club is better than doesn’t participated in sports club. 5. There were significant differences among personal exercise habits of “physical fitness included associated knowledge about the 12-year Basic Education” and ” personal fitness expectations”,personal exercise habits more than five times a week have the best performance.
