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篇名 臺灣推動老人健康促進之回顧與前瞻
卷期 42
並列篇名 Retrospect and prospect of promoting health promotion for the elderly in Taiwan
作者 許君強胡哲豪
頁次 039-066
關鍵字 老人健康促進活躍老化健康促進政策臺灣health promotion for the elderlyactive aginghealth promotion policyTaiwanTSCI
出刊日期 201806


老人健康促進在增進老人的生活品質,健康、社會參與及安全是活躍老化的 三項政策支柱,必須同時實踐。而活躍老化政策須照顧到社會中所有的高齡者, 即涵蓋健康、衰弱及失能老人。本文旨在探討臺灣老人健康生活狀況、老齡化社 會面臨的挑戰,參據世界衛生組織、歐盟、英國、美國、日本、芬蘭等先進國家 與臺灣的老人健康促進政策與經驗,進而提出對臺灣未來推展老人健康促進政策 的參考。臺灣在老人健康促進、高齡友善城市及長期照顧等有關策略,正循序漸 進的實踐中。展望未來,建議自建構完善健康促進法制、深化慢性病預防與健康 促進計畫、規劃與落實老人健康 促進的政策、建構高齡友善的環境、整合長照 2.0 與健康促進、提升長照人力之健康促進角色及功能、推動安寧療護與生命關 懷教育等面向規劃落實。


Health promotion for the elderly promotes the quality of life for the elderly. Health, social participation and safety are the three policy pillars for active aging. Active ageing policy must take care of all the elderly in the society, that is, health, frail and disabled old people. The purpose of this article is to explore the health status of the elderly and the challenges faced by an aging society in Taiwan. According to the health promotion policies and experiences of the elderly in the advanced countries such as the World Health Organization, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Finland, and Taiwan. Reference to Taiwan’s Health Promotion Policy for the Elderly in the future is proposed. Taiwan’s strategies for health promotion, agefriendly cities and long-term care for the elderly are being implemented gradually. Looking to the future, we propose to construct and improve the legal system of health promotion, deepen the prevention of chronic diseases, plan and implement health promotion policies for the elderly, build an age-friendly environment, integrate longterm care 2.0 policies and health promotion, promote health promotion roles and functions of long-term manpower, promote the implementation of hospice and life education.
