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篇名 《全唐詩》中以「海」為題作品析論
卷期 19
並列篇名 A Study of Sea Poems in Quan Tang Shi
作者 吳智雄
頁次 027-065
關鍵字 全唐詩海洋詩唐詩唐代Quan Tang ShiSeaSea poemTang poetsTang dynasty
出刊日期 201504


唐詩中以「海」為題作品數量的跳躍式增加,是唐代海洋文學突出於前代的 特色之一。以此,本文先於數位典藏國家型科技計畫「全唐詩檢索系統」的「詩 題」選項中輸入「海」字,計得314 筆資料;於扣除因詩題案注語中有「海」字 而被收入的33 筆後,共得作品281 首,其中與海洋相關者為105 首,總佔比為37 %。在詩題向為詩人展現創作意識的媒介與載體認知下,本文乃從詞彙分析、表 現手法、內容面向等三個角度探討當中所蘊涵的特色。在詞彙分析上,總計出現 95 種詞彙,單一詞彙以「南海」出現的次數最多,其詞彙意義與海洋相關及無關 者大約各佔一半;詞彙的種類大約有11 類,其中以「觀海」、「望海」等動作類的 詞彙所具海洋內容的比例最高;在詞彙的構詞方式上,則具有核心詞彙與衍生詞 彙的情形;在作者的分布上,以劉禹錫的題海作品數量最多,但具海洋內容的比 例甚低,比例最高者為李商隱和許渾。而在表現手法上,105 首作品中約有50 首 實寫海洋、55 首虛寫海洋,並且運用了仙山神話、歷史人物、古籍名言等典故, 豐富了詩作的海洋意象。至於在內容面向上,則呈現了狀景摹寫、寄寓心志、抒 發情感、議論批判等四種特色。


Poems about the sea were quite prominent in the Tang dynasty. Tang poets produced far more poems on this subject than their predecessors. The keyword “sea” entered into the title column of the Taiwan e-learning and digital archives program Quan Tang Shi Search System yielded 314 results. After removing 33 results with “sea” in the footnote only, the number dropped to 281 results, of which 105 poems, or 37%, were about the sea. Since the poets inclined to imply the purpose of the creative work with the title, this paper examines the title from phrases used, methods of expression, and content of Tang poems about the sea. From the results listed, 95 most frequently used phrases appeared, of which “southern sea” was the most common title. Sea-related phrases accounted for half of the results. The other half was phrases not related to the sea. These 95 phrases were further categorized into 11 groups, of which action phrases such as “observing the sea” or “gazing at the sea” were the most common. As for the building of words, the phrases were divided into phrase words and phrase derivatives. The Tang author, Liu Yu-xi wrote the most poems with sea-related titles. But his sea poems often had little to do with the actual idea of the sea. In comparison, Lee Shang-ying and Shi Jin were the most productive sea poets. Among the 105 poems, 50 addressed the actual experiences regarding the sea, and 55 referred to imagination or implication of the sea. All sorts of allusions including myths, history or classics and quotes were used to enrich the images of the sea in these poems, which describe scenery, thoughts, emotions and criticism.
