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篇名 生活課程教師專業素養指標之研究 -以教學能力成熟度模型 與模糊層級分析法為途徑
卷期 64:1
並列篇名 Application of a Teaching Capability Maturity Model and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in Constructing Professionalism Indicators for Life Curriculum Teachers
作者 陳殷哲胡美雲
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 生活課程修正式德爾菲法教師專業素養教學能力成熟度模型模糊層級分析法fuzzy hierarchical analysislife curriculummodified Delphi methodteacher professionalismteaching capability maturity modelTSSCI
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6209/JORIES.201903_64(1).0001


2014年《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱》中,「生活課程」是專為國小低年級設置的 銜接課程,為一門超越學科的統整課程,教師需具備足夠的專業素養,方能落實十二年國民 基本教育核心素養之課程理念。本研究旨在建構一套「生活課程教師專業素養指標」,先瞭解 國民小學生活課程教師之專業素養,再結合教師教學能力成熟度模型,分為「初始級」、「基 本課程管理」、「進階課程管理實施」、「量化管理」與「永續最適化」五個層級,其下包含15 個指標向度及45個指標檢核項目,並以修正式德爾菲法取得專家學者之共識,進而透過模糊 層級分析法分析各層級指標之權重分配及重要性排序,藉此建構出一套系統化及科學化之指 標體系,期能提供生活課程教師自我檢核與專業成長,並作為教育行政機關推動教師專業發 展與師資培育之參考依據。


Guidelines for a 12-year basic education curriculum were announced and implemented in Taiwan in 2014. In these guidelines, “life curriculum” is defined as a course that is designed to bridge the gap in elementary and kindergarten course knowledge for first and second graders. Teachers should demonstrate adequate professionalism to fully implement the core literacies embodying the curriculum ideas of the 12-year basic education curriculum. This study aimed to develop a set of indicators for the professionalism of life curriculum teachers. Literature on Taiwanese and international studies was first reviewed to establish criteria for the professionalism of life curriculum teachers. The teaching capability maturity model was adopted, which divides professionalism into five levels, namely the beginner level, basic curriculum management, advanced curriculum management and implementation, quantitative management, and sustainable optimization, and incorporates 15 dimensions and 45 indicator checkup items. A modified Delphi method was adopted to obtain consensus among experts and scholars. A fuzzy hierarchical analysis was performed to assign weights and ranks to the indicators at all five levels. This empirical indicator system was therefore developed to serve as a self-assessment tool for life curriculum teachers to develop their professionalism; moreover, the indicators may serve as a reference for educational administrative agencies to promote the development of teacher professionalism and support future teachers.
