
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 家族企業的傳承與衝突當國際化經營成為二代眼中的潮流趨勢
卷期 21:4
並列篇名 Inherit and Conflict in Family Business When Internationalization Becomes the Trend for Second Generation
作者 王允中羅芳怡翁杉銘
頁次 030-058
關鍵字 二代傳承與衝突家族企業國際化動機successor succession and conflictfamily firminternationalization motivationTSSCI
出刊日期 201912
DOI 10.3966/199582342019122104002




The research is seen from the angle of the second generation of family inheritance and how they run the business given differing intellectual capabilities, maturity and potentially substandard management practices compared to the founders. With two case studies, we discuss the inheritors take and strategy on globalization through the analyzing of two family enterprises. We have foreseen the conflicts between the two generations in different stages of the process. The younger generation eager to expand the market takes on a more international style of management. However, the older generation focuses more on avoiding risks and therefore has a more conservative view of change. Thus our research integrates the management conflict between the two generations with regard to how to run the business. Giving the proper response with regard to the nature of the problem, the willingness of the inheritors to take over the business will also influenced.
