
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 爲何一直買買買?兩岸網路消費者過度消費影響因素之比較研究
卷期 21:4
並列篇名 Why Do They Always Buy More and More? The Comparative Research on the Influence Factors of Overconsumption for Cross-Strait Online Shoppers
作者 賴其勛潘力潘衍至楊靜芳陳資昀
頁次 060-085
關鍵字 兩岸比較研究過度消費滾雪球抽樣網路消費者網路購物cross-strait comparative researchoverconsumptionsnowball samplingonline shoppersonline shoppingTSSCI
出刊日期 201912
DOI 10.3966/199582342019122104003




The past research of overconsumption focused on physical products to explore what factors influence the consumer to consume more. Most of the research methods are experimental designs. This study applies this issue in online shopping to explore the influence factors of overconsumption and compares the behaviors of cross-strait online shoppers. This study adopts in-depth interviews and snowball sampling to interview with online shoppers with rich experience, a total of 42 online shoppers, 23 of whom in Taiwan and 19 in Mainland China. Based on the content analysis of verbatim scripts, the results reveal that the common factors include: (1) conditional free shipping mechanisms; (2) maintenance of interpersonal relationship; (3) reminders of the seller system; (4) bargaining of sales promotion; and (5) reviews by bloggers and consumers. The specific factors in Taiwan are working pressure and shopping when-ever you like. The specific factors in Mainland China are design quality of shopping websites, credit consumption of shopping websites, and price-off promotions of well-known brands. Finally, this research proposes managerial implications for online shoppers, sellers, and bloggers. The results can be used as a foundation for future quantitative research.
