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篇名 重症病人與家屬的重症加護後症候群
卷期 67:3
並列篇名 Post-Intensive Care Syndrome in Intensive Care Patients and Their Families
作者 林佑樺
頁次 030-037
關鍵字 重症病人加護病房重症加護後症候群critical illness patientsIntensive care unitpost intensive care syndromeMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6224/JN.202006_67(3).05




The population of survivors of critical illness has increased with advancements in medicine and technology. However, many patients and their families experience post-intensive care syndromes after discharge from intensive care units (ICUs) due to the comorbidities and side-effects of severe illnesses and related treatments. The problems faced by these survivors are mainly physical symptoms, cognitive disorders, and psychological problems (including anxiety, depression, and traumatic stress disorder). Moreover, patient family members frequently experience psychological problems as well. This article introduces the post-intensive care syndromes (PICS) of survivors and their families; describe the physical symptoms, risk factors, and prevention strategies related to PICS; and primary instruments currently used to measure PICS. The authors hope to provide intensive care health staff with the knowledge necessary to implement preventive strategies for patients as early as possible during their ICU stay to improve the quality of intensive care.

