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篇名 從感染管制角度看國際醫療護理師的角色與功能
卷期 67:3
並列篇名 Infection Control: The Roles and Functions of Nurses Working at the International Medical Center
作者 楊婉萍馮明珠陳彥旭陳芳銘李依鴻
頁次 090-095
關鍵字 國際醫療護理師防疫傳染性疾病感染管制nurse in international medical centerepidemic preventionInfectious diseaseinfection controlMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6224/JN.202006_67(3).12


跨國間旅行者的流動讓傳染性疾病跨越國界。台灣在SARS之後,建立完善的機制在機場進行感染防堵,然慢性傳染性疾病與無症狀或微症狀傳染者不易在篩檢中發現,故不只決戰境外,在境內亦須協力防堵。隨著到台灣國際醫療接受健檢、醫美、治療與照護的病人逐年大幅增加, 到院接受醫療照護的非本國籍病人,衍生出的急慢性病傳染性疾病的風險需要被正視與重視。本文從國際醫療照護角度,探討在防堵跨國性傳染病,國際醫療護理師的角色及重要性。除了需展現豐富的護理經驗及敏感度,進行國際個案管理與溝通協調外,亦須善用資訊工具遠距篩檢關懷。以新冠肺炎疫情(COVID-19)期間為例進行:(1)入院前的線上詳細傳染病相關病史及護理評估;(2)入院前準備與動線告知;(3)線上衛教與追蹤關懷,並對內外跨單位的溝通聯繫。國際醫療護理師直接影響國際醫療的品質與流程順暢度,打造台灣國際醫療照護品牌之際,護理專業應跟上此發展趨勢,向世界宣告Taiwan can Help! Nursing can help!。


Travelers are known to convey infectious diseases across international borders. After its experience with SARS, Taiwan established a comprehensive mechanism at its border to prevent the entry of infectious diseases. However, people with chronic infectious diseases, carriers with no symptoms, and those likely to be infected are not easy to identify during border screenings. Therefore, Taiwan must implement internal disease-containment measures in addition to stopping infectious disease at its borders. With increasing numbers of patients coming to Taiwan for medical examinations, medical aesthetic treatments, and medical treatments and care, the risk of acute, chronic, and contagious diseases originating from non-residents must be considered and addressed. This article was developed to discuss the role and importance of nurses in preventing transnational infectious diseases from the perspective of international medical care. In addition to showing rich nursing experience, sensitivity, and conducting the management and communication of international cases, it is also necessary to make good use of information tools for remote screening care. Taking the period of the COVID-19 outbreak as an example, several procedures have been conducted. First, online detailed history of infectious diseases and nursing evaluations are conducted before admission. Second, preparation and movement notifications are given before admission. Third, online health education and follow-up care as well as cross-unit communication and coordination are implemented. International medical nurses directly affect the quality and effectiveness of international medical treatment. As Taiwan builds up its brand as an international medical caring destination, nursing professionals should help further this trend and announce to the world: Taiwan can help! Nursing can help!
