
遠景基金會季刊 TSSCI

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篇名 中國銳實力對澳洲的滲透與澳洲政府的回應政策
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 China’s Sharp Power Penetration in Australia, and the Australian Responses
作者 黑快明
頁次 041-110
關鍵字 銳實力中國澳洲孔子學院大外宣Sharp PowerChinaAustraliaConfucius InstituteGlobal PropagandaTSSCI
出刊日期 202007




Much attention has been paid to the notion of “sharp power” in recent years. It has become, to some extent, replaced the “China threat theory” during the 1990s. Foreign Affairs and The Economist have published articles warning against China’s sharp power; the U.S. Congressional Research Service, Australia, New Zealand and Germany and other democracies have also pointed out that China has induced local politicians or officials to voice with the interests of Beijing through political donations and free travel. Different from Western “soft power” distributing its attractiveness outside, sharp power is destroying basic human rights and other democratic values by manipulating, buying and other means. This study explores the ways how China’s sharp power penetrates into Australian society and its impact, and the resistance of the Australian government and Australian people.
