
遠景基金會季刊 TSSCI

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篇名 美中關係的網路安全問題
卷期 21:4
並列篇名 The Cybersecurity Problem in U.S.-China Relations
作者 林正義
頁次 001-058
關鍵字 網路安全網路間諜網路主權華為美中關係CybersecurityCyber EspionageCyber SovereigntyHuaweiU.S.-China RelationsTSSCI
出刊日期 202010




From the Obama Administration onward, cybersecurity has represented a lingering and thorny conflict between the U.S. and China. Chinese cyber-espionage activities pose a serious challenge to the U.S. national security interests. By the same token, American intelligence has conducted extensive internet and phone surveillance on the Chinese government and Huawei. The Chinese government denies its involvement in cyberspace intrusions but agreed to a five-point consensus on cybersecurity cooperation with the United States. President Obama preferred building a bilateral cybersecurity dialogue mechanism to defuse the tension with China. President Donald Trump has chosen an approach of linking cybersecurity issues with the trade negotiations. China seeks international norms of cybersecurity under the United Nations system and sought confidence-building measures on cybersecurity with the United States. Whether China and the U.S. can reach certain norms regarding operations in cyberspace remains to be seen.
