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篇名 雙語教育實踐探究「真實世界」雙語協同教學策略聯盟
卷期 72:1
並列篇名 Research on Bilingual Education Practice - “Real World” Bilingual Team Teaching Strategic Alliance
作者 陳浩然
頁次 069-081
關鍵字 真實世界學習逆向設計表現整合評量real-world learningbackward designintegrated performance assessment
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.6249/SE.202103_72(1).0005




How to develop students’ ability to use English properly to communicate with others is an important goal of the research on bilingual education practice. For the purpose of improving students’ communication skills, a plan was established to use communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities as the learning standards. In order to implement bilingual teaching and learning, six High-Leverage Teaching Practices, a bilingual team teaching method, and the Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) model have been adopted. The implementation of bilingual team teaching requires thorough collaboration between relevant parties and resource planning. According to the actual research results, a smooth bilingual teaching implementation requires at least three main mechanisms. The first is the basic promotion mechanism, consisting of the “administrative team” and “bilingual environment.” The second is the course and teaching development mechanism, of which the main components are “teachers’ professional development” and “course and teaching.” The third is the technology integration mechanism. After more than a year of implementation, teachers and students have generally accepted the bilingual team teaching method. It is believed that the goal of improving students’ language communication skills is just around the corner with teachers continuously putting efforts into bilingual teaching.
